What is on Venus. What would life be like on Venus? Settlement on Venusian clouds

Is there life on Venus

We have very little knowledge about our solar system. Why does this happen to us? The point is thatwe have forgotten how to contact different higher Minds and receive various useful information from Them, and due to our “ignorance” we are and live in our own “ isolated world "(this is what the Higher Powers said upon contact) . Therefore, the world of our Earth at the moment is isolated world from all those worlds where people like us live. But only They use all the information banks of the Universe, which contain all the information for billions of years of Its existence, and we do not!!!

We have very little knowledge not only of the Universe, but also of our Solar System. We even have very little knowledge about our Earth. But our Earth exists in 49 dimensions about which we know absolutely nothing! But it is on our Earth that the Hyperboreans live, who are far ahead of us in all respects. And when sometimes we see flying saucers, then in all likelihood, these are the ones flying. And on our Earth there is a very advanced Space Zoo , where representatives of the Higher Powers bring the most advanced animals from all over the Universe. We believe that in our solar system life can exist, in addition to our planet, only on the planet Mars. But the Higher Powers said, then there, Apart from single-celled organisms there is no life at all !

But Alien Civilizations pay great attention to the planet Venus . The fact is that the atmosphere there is very dense and consists of carbon gas, and the clouds that are in it consist of sulfuric acid. One day there is equal to 117 Earth days. And the pressure is 92 times higher than on Earth. But that's where , where at first glance life is impossible , there is life similar to Earth !

Here in one of the " parallel worlds " Venus is inhabited by humanoid beings who have not only an energy body, but also physical ( human body), and at the same time this civilization is much older than ours. That is , except for our planet Earth, people live in our solar systemonly on the planet Venus !!! And these people appeared on one of Her " parallel worlds "much earlier than our 5th race appeared on Earth!!!

But the Forces of the Universe carried out an experiment on relocation of people from our planet to one of the parallel worlds of Venus. This experiment was 30% successful. And the main reason for such a low indicator turned out to be that the plant world in this world did not correspond at all to the Earthly one, to which people from Earth were accustomed and adapted! And there is no humanoid life anywhere else in our solar system !!!

“Snails of time” pass throughout our Universe, and for absolutely all “snails of time” there is a strict hierarchy! Let's take our Earth as an example. She has two" at snails of time." One is for our Earth, and the other “snail”, which is located behind it, connects it with other systems of the Universe. And approximately the same thing happens throughout the Universe. That is, one “snail of time” is necessarily located in another , which connects it with an even larger object. And in our Galaxy, all “time snails” exist this way!

But in our solar system there are also four planets with “time snails” changelings. These are Mars, Venus, Pluto and the Moon.

And due to the fact that on these planets the “snails of time” have the opposite location, people from our planet will not be able to stay there for any long time , because after some time they will get there irreversible" psychological shock" and a number of irreversible changes, which they will never be able to get rid of . And if they stay there long enough, they just " will destroy each other "from the aggression that will flare up in them suddenly and involuntarily! Therefore, there is no Humanoid life either on Mars or on other planets! Except Venus!!! True, those people who were resettled from our Earth to Venus were to some extent redesigned to suit these " time shifter snails " and therefore this impact did not extend to them!!! But for people from Earth, the Higher Powers did special work to adapt such people to life on Venus in one of Her “parallel worlds”!!

It’s not for nothing that Venus received the nickname “Earth’s evil twin”: hot, dehydrated, covered in toxic clouds. But just one or two billion years ago, the two sisters may have been more similar. New computer simulations suggest that early Venus closely resembled our home planet and may even have been habitable.

“One of the biggest mysteries of Venus is how it happened that it is so different from Earth. The question gets even more interesting when, from an astrobiological perspective, you consider the possibility that Venus and Earth were very similar during the early days of life on Earth,” says David Grinspoon of the US Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona.

Grinspoon and his colleagues were not the first to suggest that Venus was once habitable. It is similar to Earth in size and density, and there is no escaping the fact that the two planets formed close to each other, suggesting they are made from similar materials. Venus also has an unusually high ratio of deuterium to hydrogen atoms, a sign that it once had significant amounts of water that mysteriously disappeared over time.

Artistic depiction of the climate of modern Venus. Credit: Deviantart/Tr1umph

To simulate early Venus, the researchers turned to an environmental model used to study climate change on Earth. They created four scenarios that differed slightly in details, such as the amount of energy received from the Sun or the length of the Venusian day. Where information about Venus's climate was sparse, the team filled in the gaps with educated guesses. They also added a shallow ocean (10% of Earth's ocean volume), covering about 60 percent of the planet's surface.

By looking at the development of each version over time, the researchers suggested that the planet may have looked like early Earth, and been habitable for a significant period. The most promising of the four scenarios was a model with moderate temperatures, thick clouds and light snowfall.

Could life have appeared on early Venus? If this did not happen, the culprit is the subsequent boiling of the oceans and volcanoes, which dramatically changed the landscape about 715 million years ago. But still, the team did not exclude the possibility of life developing in ancient times on the second planet in the solar system.

“Both planets likely enjoyed warm oceans of water combined with rocky shores and organic molecules undergoing chemical evolution in these oceans. As far as we understand, these are the requirements for theories of the origin of life today,” says David Grinspoon.

To strengthen these findings, future missions to Venus should focus on signs of water-related erosion, which would provide evidence of past oceans. Such signs have already been discovered on Mars. NASA is currently considering two potential projects to explore Venus, although neither has been approved yet.

Tatiana Zimina. According to information from ESA and IKI RAS.

An ultraviolet image of Venus (wavelength 0.365 microns), taken from a distance of 30,000 km using a camera mounted on the European Venus Express spacecraft. The photo shows dark and light areas associated with unknown

Billions of years ago, Venus likely had significantly more water than it does now. The European Venus Express spacecraft, which has been operating in Venusian orbit since April 2006, has confirmed that the planet has lost large amounts of water in the past.

Venus and Earth are considered similar planets in appearance - they have approximately the same size, gravity values ​​and are very similar in basic chemical composition. This suggests that in the past, Venus, like Earth, had oceans, which means there could have been life. Today, the planet is heated to 460 o C, and water is present only in its atmosphere and in such small quantities that, if it condenses onto the planetary surface, it forms a layer only 3 cm thick.

Why did Venus lose its water? According to astrophysicists, once upon a time, approximately from 500 million to 4 billion years from the birth of the planet, under the influence of ultraviolet rays from the Sun, water molecules disintegrated into atoms - two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, and were carried away, probably by the solar wind, into the interplanetary space. space. After all, Venus, in contrast to Earth, does not have a magnetic field that could protect it from the solar wind - a stream of charged particles that freely bombard the upper layers of the atmosphere of the “blue” planet, carrying away ions from it.

Experiments carried out using the Analyzer of Space Plasma and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA), installed on board the European spacecraft, showed that on the night side of Venus there are indeed huge losses of hydrogen and oxygen, and in the ratio characteristic of water molecules. The rate of “exit” of these atoms was measured. At the same time, as experiments have shown, the upper layers of the planet’s atmosphere contain an increased amount of deuterium, which, being a heavier atom compared to hydrogen, escapes from the planet’s embrace with less ease.

According to Colin Wilson from the University of Oxford (UK), experimental data indicate that Venus had a lot of water in the past. However, this still does not mean that there were oceans on its surface.

Eric Chassefier from the University of Paris-Sud (France) developed a mathematical model according to which water on Venus was mainly present in its atmosphere and existed only in the very early stages of the planet's development, when it was in a molten state. As the broken water molecules escaped into space, the temperature dropped, likely causing the planet's surface to harden. That is, according to this model, there have never been any oceans on Venus. True, even if Chassefière’s model turns out to be correct, this does not exclude the possibility that water could have been delivered to the planet by comets after its surface became solid. This water could become a habitat for living organisms.

The goal of the European mission "Venus Express" is to study the evolution of the atmosphere of Venus and the volatile substances it contains: how they arose and how they interacted with the surface, as well as how the atmosphere interacts with the solar wind. In addition, it was assumed that the experiments would reveal volcanic and seismic activity on the planet.

The equipment of the European spacecraft includes several scientific instruments created with the participation of Russian scientists from the Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the NPO named after. Lavochkina. It is a high-resolution spectrometer and a general-purpose spectrometer (SPICAV-SOIR) designed to study the vertical structure of the atmosphere, temperature profiles, clouds and small atmospheric components. As well as a planetary Fourier spectrometer, designed for optical analysis of the atmosphere and the study of its thermal structure (the device turned out to be inoperative).

Let us note that Venus is the main object of study by Russian planetary scientists; a total of 16 spacecraft of the Venus series and two Vega spacecraft with landing modules and balloon stations were launched to it. Thanks to measurements taken on board Soviet space stations in the 1970s and 1980s, a basic model of the atmosphere of Venus was built.

Currently, the Russian project “Venera-D” (the letter “d” means “long-lived”) is being developed to further study the chemical composition of the atmosphere, surface and clarify the same question: where did water disappear from the planet?

The main difference between the landing apparatus of the new Russian space complex is the relatively long (several days) operation of its scientific equipment under conditions of high temperatures and pressure. (The landing vehicles of previous Venusian stations worked on the planet for no more than one and a half hours.) The mission will include an orbital block, a descent module and a flotilla of balloons that will fly at altitudes from 35 to 60 km and from which the surface will be photographed. The launch of the spacecraft is planned for the end of 2016.

Venus is a hot planet and organic life on its surface is impossible. Venusians live in the Subtle World of the planet. There, in the Subtle World of Venus, there are no animals, no, also insects. But there are birds and fish of indescribable colors. There are no insects or predators on Venus at all. There is a real kingdom of flights there. Birds fly, people fly, and even fish. Moreover, birds understand human speech.

Humanity of Venus belongs to the seventh circle of evolution, that is, it is three circles ahead of earthlings (about 2 million years of evolution). People's bodies are astral. There are eight races, the leading one being the Hathors. Outwardly they look like earthlings. The height of men is up to 6 m, women are slightly smaller. Large blue eyes, their ears are a very important organ, they are like the fins of fish. Nutrition comes through the sense of smell - the smells of flowers, stems, and roots of plants are inhaled. In this regard, a lot of breeding work is being carried out on plants. Children are not born from the mother's body, but next to her in the crib. The born baby corresponds in development to an earthly seven-year-old child. The time will come and earthly women will create children just like Venusians. People die there too. In the process, their bodies disintegrate into the air. The Hathors live for about 25,000 years, after which they fly to a more developed planet, most often to the planets of Sirius.

There has been a Community on Venus for a long time
. Lies have been eliminated, and accordingly there are no many monitoring and security services. There are no locks, bars or prisons. There is nothing secret, because all thoughts are easily read from each other. Therefore, there is no need to voice words, and conversations are conducted mentally. They use the sound they make to perform physical work, heal, and drive vehicles. Research work is underway to master the subtlest cosmic energies. There is no radio, television or other similar technology on the planet - everything necessary is perceived directly by a person’s senses and moves by the power of his thoughts.

(based on materials from T. Mironenko)

Venus is a hot, gaseous, toxic planet at third and fourth density levels, but in fifth and sixth density one can find an abundance of majestic cities of Light with beautiful crystalline architecture and indescribably colorful gardens, fountains and squares.

Venus has two levels of vibration - the fifth and sixth, ascended masters call it a "transfer station." This is because it contains a "step down" portal allowing beings from the ascended realms (seventh density and higher) to communicate and interact with souls on Earth who have achieved fourth density composite vibration and fifth density consciousness.

It is usually quite difficult for a seventh density ascended being to descend three levels in order to interact with a fourth density soul on Earth. To make themselves more accessible, higher beings use a way station to temporarily lower frequencies before attempting telepathic contact with their channels. A few souls on Earth have evolved to the point where this is not necessary, but the portal is still heavily used to make the experience flow much more easily.

Souls growing and evolving on Venus reside in fifth-density crystalline bodies and sixth-density radiant causal bodies. You can visit them in your dreams or in meditation. The first spiritual mentor of the channel - Leah - lives in the sixth density of Venus.

Venusian social systems and cultures gravitate toward creativity, art, music, dance, and other “right-brain” activities. Science is important, but not predominant. Much of the activity of the Venusian society is centered on the support of the mystery schools and temples of Light scattered throughout the planet. They train souls before incarnating on Earth, orient souls who have recently ascended spiritually or physically in crystalline bodies of light. The latter function is a recent one as few people achieved physical ascension prior to the portal shifts on Earth.

There are no wars, poverty, or social or economic inequality on Venus. Education is the highest priority for all children. Fifth density children are conceived and born a little differently than third and fourth density children. Sixth density children "manifest" through energetic fusion between sixth density couples, rather than through incarnation through the birth canal.

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