What did the ogre turn into for the first time? Summary of an extracurricular activity on literary reading "a trip to a city somewhere out there." Final game “At Agafya’s, at the old lady’s”

Tatiana Vasilyeva
Literary leisure “In the land of fairy tales of Ch. Perrault” in a preparatory group for school


Job Description:

Charles name Perrault- one of the most popular names in Russia storytellers along with the names of Andersen, the Brothers Grimm, Hoffmann. Marvelous Perrault's tales from Mother Goose's collection of tales: "Cinderella", "Sleeping Beauty", "Puss in Boots", "Tom Thumb", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Bluebeard" glorified in Russian music, ballets, films, theater performances, painting and graphics dozens and hundreds of times.

At the core fairy tales by Perrault- well-known folklore plots, which he presented with his characteristic talent and humor, omitting some details and adding new ones, "ennobling" language.

Stories of their Perrault did not take fairy tales from books, but from pleasant memories of childhood and youth. Tales of Charles Perrault First of all, they teach virtue, friendship and helping one’s neighbor, and remain in the memory of adults and children for a long time. Most of all these fairy tales were suitable for children. And exactly Perrault can be considered the founder of the children's world literature and literary pedagogy.

This material will be useful to teachers of older and preparatory school groups. This quiz game can be played as a final fairy tales. Perrault with the participation of parents.

Target: To consolidate and clarify children’s knowledge about fairy tales of Charles Perrault.


Ensure the development of children's horizons.

Promote consolidation of reading knowledge fairy tales.

Ensure the development of mental processes: speech, imagination, memory, thinking.

Develop teamwork skills and promote group cohesion.

Preliminary work: getting to know the writer - a short biography, looking at a portrait. Getting to know fairy tales. Perrault – reading fairy tales, storytelling, listening to recordings, watching cartoons, dramatizations, looking at illustrations and books. Making emblems, dividing into teams, coming up with team names, choosing captains (together with children). Prepare prizes.

Methodical techniques:

Visual: portrait of Sh. Perrault, illustrations for fairy tales. Perrault, an exhibition of children's drawings depicting fairy-tale heroes, exhibition of books with fairy tales, presentation.

Verbal: conversation, problem situations, guessing riddles, situational conversations;

Practical: game situations.

Progress of the game.

There are many in the world fairy tales

Sad and funny.

And live in the world

We can't live without them.

Let the heroes fairy tales

They give us warmth.

May goodness forever

Evil wins!

Dear guys! Do you love fairy tales? What kind are there? fairy tales? (children's answers).

– What words most often begin fairy tales? ("Once upon a time...", "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...").

Today we will go on a journey with you to fairy tale. Fairy tales There are funny and sad ones, but always with a good ending. IN fairy tales good always wins. And also fairy tales are very interesting, V miracles happen in fairy tales. Today we will also have a lot of interesting things on our journey. IN the land of some fairy tales We're leaving today, try to guess it yourself. (show illustrations of fairy tales. Perrault)

Yes guys, today we will find out how well you know fairy tales. Perrault. To do this we need to split into two teams. Each team must choose a name and captain. The quiz consists of various competitions. The rules of the competitions are very simple. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. If a team does not have an answer, the opposing team has the right to answer. The tasks of all competitions are related to names, heroes fairy tales or with the author who wrote them.

Parents may also be part of the team. (mothers). They are good sorceresses, their role is to maintain order and help the teams. They are allowed to help out their team once by participating in the competition « The fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint in it".

So let's begin.

1 competition "Warm-up".

Two teams take part in this competition at the same time. You all answer together in unison.

I went to visit my grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

The Gray Wolf was watching her,

Deceived and swallowed.

(Little Red Riding Hood)

Do you know this girl?

She's in the old one sung in a fairy tale.

She worked, lived modestly,

I didn’t see the clear sun,

There is only dirt and ash around.

And the beauty's name was...


IN that fairy tale is full of miracles,

But one thing is worse than all -

A pestilence struck everyone in the palace.

The royal court became immovable.

The dark forest stood up like a fence,

Closing the view in depth.

And there is no way through the thicket

The palace is already three hundred years old.

This one for you I like the fairy tale?

(Sleeping Beauty)

Know this rascal

Can't outwit anyone:

A cannibal, like a mouse,

Managed to swallow it!

And the spurs jingle on his feet,

Tell me who is it?.

(Puss in Boots)

The cleverness of this boy

She saved him and six brothers,

Although he is small in stature and brave,

So how many of you have read about him?

(Tom Thumb)

Each team will be asked 12 questions. You need to answer immediately, without hesitation. If you don't know the answer, tell me "further". At this time, the other team is silent, not prompts.

Questions for the first team:

1. How many brothers did Sh have in his family? Perrault? (5, he was the youngest).

2. The name of this heroine comes from the word "ash"? (Cinderella)

3. Who did Little Red Riding Hood bring pies and a pot of butter to? (to grandma)

4. How many fairies were there in fairy tale"Sleeping Beauty"? (8)

5. What appeared to Donkey Skin when she struck the ground with her magic wand? (Chest with outfits)

6. What said young fairy to the king and queen? (That the princess will not die, but will fall asleep for 100 years and the prince will wake her up)

7. What was the name of the owner of Puss in Boots? (Marquis Karabas)

8. Who had big hands, big ears, big eyes, big teeth? (At the wolf)

9. Who did the ogre turn into for the first time at the request of the cat? fairy tale"Puss in Boots"? (Into the lion)

10. Whose house did Little Thumb and his brothers come across (House of the Ogre, "Tom Thumb")

11. For what offense did the young wife face the most terrible punishment in a fairy tale"Bluebeard"? (It was strictly forbidden to open or enter the small room.

12. How many years did the princess sleep? (100 years)

Questions for the second team:

1. How much Sh wrote all the fairy tales. Perrault? (11)

2. What was the name of the heroine who got her nickname thanks to her headdress? (Little Red Riding Hood)

3. What a hero fairy tales wore red boots?

(Puss in Boots)

4. Which girl lost her shoe at the ball? (Cinderella).

5. What was the name of the sorceress in fairy tale"Donkey Skin" who helped the princess? (sorceress Lilac)

6. What words are needed say in a fairy tale"Little Red Riding Hood" so that the door opens? (Pull the string, my child, and the door will open)

7. What happened to the stupid, beautiful princess when the prince Rike-Khokholok fell in love with her? (She got smart).

8. Who inherited the miller’s middle son in fairy tale"Puss in Boots"? (Donkey)

9. What vehicle did the fairy turn the pumpkin into with her magic wand? fairy tale"Cinderella"? (Into the carriage).

10. What color was the beard of a very rich man (Blue, "Bluebeard")

11. What decree did the king issue for his subjects in fairy tale"Sleeping Beauty"? (Ban under fear death penalty to spin and keep spindles and spinning wheels in the house.

12. What did Little Thumb use to get his brothers out for the second time? (Using bread crumbs).

3 competition “Guess which item is extra”.

The magic chest contains items from one of fairy tales. Perrault(name this fairy tale, but one item is superfluous among them. You will need to find it and tell me what fairy tale he is from.

For the first team: little red riding hood, a pot, a pie, a wolf mask, a piece of bread. (bread - from fairy tales"Tom Thumb":

“The little boy didn’t know what to come up with. When the mother gave all seven sons a piece of bread for breakfast, he did not eat his share. He hid the bread in his pocket so that along the way he could throw bread crumbs instead of pebbles...”

For the second team: shoe, gingerbread, invitation to a ball, pumpkin, horse figurine (gingerbread - from fairy tales"Gingerbread House":

Marie and Jean came out into a clearing in the middle of which stood a house. Unusual house. Its roof was made of chocolate gingerbread, its walls were made of pink marzipan, and its fence was made of large almonds.

4 competition "Captains Competition".

There are portraits on the table storytellers. You need to find a portrait of Sh. Perrault. One captain looks for the portrait and shows it, while we blindfold the second one. Then the second captain will guess.

"Musical break".

We turn on the song of Little Red Riding Hood, the children dance to the music.

5 competition "What's wrong?". (art competition)

Contribute illustrations of various heroes of Perrault's fairy tales(Little Red Riding Hood, Puss in Boots, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty) for each team. You need to find what is missing in the drawing and complete it. (each team has the same pictures).

6 competition "On the roads fairy tales»

Children are invited to listen to the texts fairy tales - confusion. They should call fairy tales, about which they speak.

For the first team:

One queen gave birth to a son so ugly that he could not tell a fairy tale, not to describe with a pen, but he was reasonable and eloquent.

Once his mother sent him to visit his grandmother. He took a basket with pies and a pot of butter and walked through the forest. He walked and got lost in the thicket.

He wandered through the forest for a long time and saw white pebbles on the path. He went where the pebbles pointed. He looks - there is a house in a clearing.

The Ogre lived in it. The Ogre returned home in the evening, found the prince, wanted to eat him, but put it off until the morning. He told his wife to feed him well so that he wouldn’t lose weight, and to put him to bed. sleep.

Then the cat knocked on the house. He said, that he was walking by and decided to express his respect to the Ogre.

The cannibal received him cordially. The cat was respectful and wanted to make sure that the Ogre could transform into any animals. The cannibal, wanting to surprise the guest, turns first into a lion and then into a mouse. The cat caught the mouse and ate it.

Now the prince is free and walked through the forest again. Soon he came across an old castle deep in the forest. Everyone in the castle was asleep. The prince saw the beautiful princess and kissed her. She woke up and immediately fell in love with him.

The good fairy gave her a beautiful ball gown and crystal slippers.

("Rikke-tuft", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Tom Thumb", "Puss in Boots", "Sleeping Beauty", "Fairy Gifts")

For the second team:

One queen gave birth to a daughter, an extraordinary beauty. But she was very stupid, and after talking to her everyone hurried away. The princess was very upset.

One day her mother sent her to the source for water. She met an old woman there who asked for a drink. The princess gave her something to drink. And the fairy, and it was she, invited her to go to the ball.

She gave the princess a magic pumpkin carriage and warned that at 12 o'clock the witchcraft spell would dissipate.

The princess set off. Soon she saw in a forest clearing cat: He caught rabbits for the royal kitchen. The cat showed the princess the way to the palace.

The palace was very large, it had many rooms. The princess climbed into one of the towers and saw an old woman who was spinning wool. The princess took the spindle, pricked her finger and fell asleep for 100 years. The Duke left her in a small secret room and locked it with a key.

("Rikke-tuft", "Fairy Gifts", "Cinderella", "Puss in Boots", "Sleeping Beauty", "Bluebeard")

Competition for parents « The fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint in it"»

Guess which one fairy tales. Perrault's lesson:

For parents first teams:

"Childhood is beautifully decorated

Quite a large inheritance

Given to my son by his father.

But who inherits skill,

And courtesy and courage, -

Or rather, he’ll be a great guy.”

(Answer : "Puss in Boots.")

Second for parents teams:

From fairy tales follow one,

But rather, they were the most faithful!

Everything that you and I loved,

It’s wonderful and smart for us.”

(Answer : "Rike-crest")

Name a shape that has no corners.

2. 9 candles were burning, 5 candles went out. How many candles are left?

3. Name the largest single digit number.

4. Which figure has 3 corners?

5. Name the smallest two-digit number.

6. How many months are there in a year?

7. How many corners does a rectangle have?

8. What is greater than 1 cm or 10 mm?

9. Name a device for measuring length.

10. Name the neighbors of the number 5.

11. I have a number in mind. I added the same amount to it and got 4. What number did I have in mind?

12. There were 40 pears growing on a pine branch. 32 pears fell. How many pears are left to grow?

13. How many fingers does a person have?

14. What is the sum of the numbers 45 and 25?

15. Find the difference between the numbers 100 and 34.

1. How many grams are in 1 kg?

2. Which figure has all sides equal?

3. What is greater than 1 m or 100 cm?

4. How many neighbors does the number 0 have?

5. What shape does the Earth have?

6. What units of mass do you know?

7. The name of the components of the subtraction action.

8. How many summer months do you know?

9. What are the components of the task?

10. There were 6 apples growing on one birch branch, and 36 on the other. How many apples were growing in total?

11. The geese were flying. One in front, two behind. Two behind, one in front. Two on the edges, one in the middle. How many geese were flying?

12. Name a device for measuring temperature.

13. Name a device for measuring mass.

14. I have a number in mind. I increased it by 10 and got 50. What number did I have in mind?

15. How many months are there in a year?

Intellectual marathon

Intellectual marathon

1. Magomed has 10 sheep. All but the ninth died. How many sheep are left?

2.You are the pilot of a plane flying from Havana to

Moscow with two transfers. How old is the pilot?

3.Which month has 28 days?

4. There are 10 fingers on the hands. How many fingers are there on 10 hands?

5.Under what bush does the hare sit during the rain?

6.How many cuts do you need to make to cut

log into 3 parts?

7. 7 candles were burning. Three went out. How many candles

1st class

2. What is another name for ABC.

3. Name a vowel letter that can represent two sounds.

4. Name a letter that does not represent a sound.

5. Which vowel letter does not have a capital pair.

6. How many syllables are in the word FUN.

7. Name the first letter of the alphabet.

8. How to correctly spell the word CHAIKA into syllables

9. Name a word with the combination - ZHI -

10. What vowel letter is written in the word TOWET.

11. Name the paired consonants.

12. Name a word in which the letters and sounds are the same.

13. Name a word that has more letters than sounds.

14. Name a word that has fewer letters than sounds.

15. Name a word in which the sound [b] is hard.

Intellectual marathon

in Russian

2nd class

1. Name a word in which the consonants are soft.

2. Name a word in which all consonants are soft.

3. Replace the phrase with one word:

To kick the bucket -

4. Name a word that is close in meaning to the word


5. Name the word opposite in meaning to the word

6. The dog barks, the cat meows, and the donkey….

7. Name a word that cannot be hyphenated.

8. What is the spelling in the word CLASS.

9. When the word EAGLE is written with a capital letter.

10. What language does the echo speak?

11. Name a word in which the letters and sounds are the same.

12. Name a word that has more letters than sounds.

13. Name a word that has fewer letters than sounds.

14. Name the first consonant letter of the alphabet.

15. How many letters are in the Russian language.

Intellectual marathon

in Russian

3rd grade

1. Which of these words is close in meaning to the word scold?

Search, deceive, scold, interrupt.

2. Finish the proverb:

The forest is being cut down - chips...

3. Give a synonym for the word sad.

3. Name the word with the suffix –ushk-

4. Name a word that has more letters than sounds.

5. Name a word that has fewer letters than sounds.

6. Name a word in which the letters and sounds are the same.

7. How many cases are there in the Russian language.

8. Name the last consonant letter of the alphabet.

9. Name the first consonant letter of the alphabet.

10. Name a word with a double consonant at the root of the word.

11. Does a noun change by gender?

13. Which part of speech indicates an object, but does not name it.

14. Choose a synonym for the word SPRING.

15. Form the plural of the word DRIVER.

Once upon a time there lived an old miller, and he had three sons. When the miller died, he left his sons as an inheritance of all his limited property: a mill, a donkey and a cat. The eldest got a mill, the middle one got a donkey, and the youngest got a cat...

“This is just right for you,” laughed the older brothers, who never missed an opportunity to tease the younger one.

“Don’t listen to them, master,” the cat meowed. - Of course, I’m not a mill and I’m not a donkey, but I’m not some ordinary cat either. I can’t grind grain or carry heavy loads like a donkey, but I’m not lacking in dexterity and agility. Just buy me a pair of boots and give me a bag and you’ll see, soon you’ll live like you never dreamed of before. “His owner was surprised, but fulfilled the cat’s request.

The cat immediately pulled his boots on his hind legs, poured oats into the bag, threw it over his shoulders and went hunting. In the forest, he opened the bag, threw it on the ground, and disappeared into the thickets.

He didn't have to wait long. A curious hare galloped up to the bag, sniffed it, and eventually climbed into it to feast on the oats. And the cat was just waiting for that. He jumped out of the thickets, tightened the bag and, throwing it on his shoulders, went to the royal castle.

I must say that the king of that country was a big fan of delicious food. He also loved money very much. For the sake of something tasty and for the sake of a shiny coin, he could forget about everything in the world. The cat gave him a deep bow:

“Your Majesty, my noble master sent you this hare as a sign of respect.” Kindly accept...

- I accept, I accept. What is your master's name?

- Marquis de Carabas, Your Majesty.

“Tell the Marquis that he brought me great joy.”

The cat bowed like a real nobleman and set off on his way back.

“He’s back, you slacker,” the miller’s son told him reproachfully, sighed and again lay down on the grass to bask in the sun.

The cat did not say a word to the owner about his exploits.

The next day he went hunting again with the bag. This time he managed to catch two fat partridges.

The king beamed when he saw another and such a pleasant gift. Swallowing his saliva, he said:

- Oh, what a worthy man your master is!

“That’s true, Your Majesty,” confirmed the cat. - Worthy and very rich.

For several weeks in a row, the cat continued to bring the king either partridges or hares. But he did not say anything about this to his hungry and emaciated owner, who was still lying and basking in the sun.

One day a cat met a princess, a beautiful woman, in the palace.

- Ax! - exclaimed the beautiful princess and clapped her hands with delight. - Puss in Boots! What amazing creatures there are in this world. How I would like to meet the owner of such a miracle!

The cat looked at the princess and realized: “A wonderful wife for my master!”

“What could be simpler, Your Highness,” he said loudly. – You will find him tomorrow on a walk where the mills are. He goes there every day and believes that there is no better place to think.

- Father, let's visit the Marquis de Carabas! – the princess began to beg.

The king nodded in agreement, glad that he would finally be able to meet the marquis. And the cat ran at full speed to the mill.

- Well, what’s there again? – asked the miller’s son, waking up.

- Tomorrow, master, your life will change. All that is required of you is just to swim in the river.

– I have not yet seen that swimming in the river somehow changed life. Well, actually, I wouldn't mind taking a swim.

The next morning, the miller's son, accompanied by the cat, went to the river to swim. As soon as he got into the water, the cat grabbed his clothes and hid them in the bushes.

At that moment, a royal carriage appeared on the road. The cat jumped out onto the road and screamed at the top of his lungs:

- Save me! Help! The Marquis de Carabas is drowning!

Hearing his screams, the king ordered to stop.

- Hurry up, father, we have to help! – looking out of the carriage, the princess exclaimed.

- Hey, guardsmen! - the king called. – Get the marquis out of the water!

The guards hurried after the cat to the river bank.

The miller's son was seriously frightened when two big men began to forcefully drag him out of the river, where he was basking in the warm water.

The king's servants searched all the bushes on the shore, but did not find the young man's clothes. The king ordered his silk camisole to be brought to him. The miller's son initially refused, but he liked the clothes embroidered with gold so much that he gladly donned the royal outfit.

“Please, Marquis,” said the king, inviting him into the carriage where the beautiful princess was sitting.

The miller's son was dumbfounded, but without further ado he got into the carriage. A minute later, the carriage, thundering, rolled further through the fields and meadows that belonged to the cannibal giant, who lived in a castle surrounded by a fortress wall.

The cat wasted no time and, as best he could, rushed ahead of the carriage towards the meadow, where the reapers were hard at work.

“Dear reapers,” the cat politely addressed them, “now the king will be passing here, and if you do not say that these meadows belong to the Marquis de Carabas, then your owner, an evil cannibal, will order your heads to be cut off.”

Before the surprised reapers could respond, the royal carriage arrived.

“Tell me,” asked the king, “whose meadows are you mowing?”

- Marquise de Carabas! – the reapers answered in unison. The king exclaimed approvingly:

– What beautiful lands you have, Marquis!

And the miller’s dumbfounded son, who increasingly liked the role of the rich marquis, could only say:

Meanwhile, the cat went straight to the ogre's castle. With cat-like agility, he jumped over the stone wall and made his way into the castle.

The cannibal was sitting at a large table laden with various dishes. Seeing the puss in boots, he almost dropped his glass of wine.

-Who are you? – he asked in surprise.

-Have you ever seen Puss in Boots? – the cat asked impudently.

- How dare you, scoundrel! I have never seen such miracles!

-Can you turn into someone yourself?

- Ha-ha-ha! I can turn into anyone and anything.

“They say that you cannot turn into an animal that is larger than you, for example into a lion.” At that same time, a royal carriage drove into the castle courtyard. The cat hurried to meet the distinguished guests. Opening the carriage doors, he bowed politely.

“I welcome you, Your Majesty, to the castle of the Marquis de Carabas!”

It’s hard to say who was more speechless with amazement at these words: the king or the miller’s son, who no longer understood anything at all.

-What a magnificent castle! - exclaimed the delighted king. “I am very glad that I have found a true friend in you, Marquis.”

“Well, yes,” was all the miller’s son could answer.

“Let me invite you to dinner,” said Puss in Boots. And he took the guests to a table laden with food.

At the end of the dinner, the king, having eaten to his fill and drained a fair number of glasses of wine, said:

“Well, dear Marquis, I see that you are indeed a worthy person.” I will gladly give you my daughter as a wife.

The princess clapped her hands with happiness - she really liked the young, handsome, and besides the rich marquis. And the cat closed his eyes and purred with pleasure.

Soon they got married. So the miller's son married the princess and became a prince. They all lived happily ever after, especially the cat, who became a court minister and proudly walked around the palace in high boots.

And when the miller’s son was sometimes asked how he achieved such wealth and honors, he only answered:

“Well...” and added: “Ask my cat.”

Charles Perrault
Retold by T. Gabbe

The miller had three sons, and when he died he left them only a mill, a donkey and a cat.

The brothers divided their father's property among themselves without a notary and a judge, who would quickly swallow all their meager inheritance.

The eldest got the mill. The average donkey. Well, the youngest had to take a cat.

The poor fellow could not console himself for a long time after receiving such a pitiful share of the inheritance.

Brothers, he said, can honestly earn their bread if only they stick together. What will happen to me after I eat my cat and make a muff out of its skin? Just starve to death!

The cat heard these words, but did not show it, but said calmly and judiciously:

Don't be sad, master. Give me a bag and order a pair of boots to make it easier to wander through the bushes, and you will see for yourself that you have not been as offended as it seems to you now.

The cat’s owner himself didn’t know whether to believe it or not, but he remembered well what tricks the cat used when he hunted rats and mice, how cleverly he pretended to be dead, sometimes hanging on his hind legs, sometimes burying himself almost headlong in flour. Who knows, what if he actually does something to help in trouble!

As soon as the cat got everything he needed, he quickly put on his shoes, stamped his feet bravely, threw the bag over his shoulder and, holding it by the laces with his front paws, walked into the reserved forest, where there were many rabbits. And in the bag he had bran and hare cabbage.

Stretching out on the grass and pretending to be dead, he began to wait for some inexperienced rabbit, who had not yet had time to experience on his own skin how evil and treacherous the light is, to climb into the bag to feast on the treats stored for him.

He didn’t have to wait long: some young, gullible simpleton rabbit immediately jumped into his bag.

Without thinking twice, the uncle-cat tightened his shoelaces and finished off the rabbit without any mercy.

After this, proud of his spoils, he went straight to the palace and asked to be received by the king. He was brought into the royal chambers. He made a respectful bow to His Majesty and said:

Sir, here is a rabbit from the forests of the Marquis de Carabas (he invented such a name for his owner). My master ordered me to present you with this modest gift.

Thank your master,” replied the king, “and tell him that he has given me great pleasure.”

A few days later the cat went to the field and there, hiding among the ears of corn, he again opened his bag.

This time two partridges fell into his trap. He quickly tightened his laces and carried them both to the king.

The king willingly accepted this gift and ordered to give the cat a tip.

So two or three months passed. The cat kept bringing the king game, as if it had been killed during a hunt by his owner, the Marquis de Carabas.

And then one day the cat found out that the king, together with his daughter, the most beautiful princess in the world, was going to take a carriage ride along the river bank.

Do you agree to listen to my advice? - he asked his master. - In this case, happiness is in our hands. All you have to do is go for a swim in the river, where I show you. Leave the rest to me.

The Marquis de Carabas obediently carried out everything that the cat advised him, although he had no idea why it was needed. While he was bathing, the royal carriage drove onto the river bank.

The cat rushed as fast as he could and shouted at the top of his lungs:

Here, here! Help! The Marquis de Carabas is drowning!

The king heard this cry, opened the carriage door and, recognizing the cat who had brought him game as a gift so many times, immediately sent his guards to rescue the Marquis de Carabas.

While the poor marquis was being pulled out of the water, the cat managed to tell the king that thieves had stolen everything from the gentleman while he was swimming. (But in fact, the sly man hid the owner’s dress under a large stone with his own paws.)

The king immediately ordered his courtiers to bring one of the best outfits in the royal wardrobe for the Marquis de Carabas.

The outfit turned out to be both in time and becoming, and since the Marquis was already a little boy - handsome and stately, having dressed up, he, of course, became even better, and the royal daughter, looking at him, found that he just to her taste.

When the Marquis de Carabas cast two or three glances in her direction, very respectful and at the same time tender, she fell madly in love with him.

Her father also took a liking to the young marquis. The king was very kind to him and even invited him to sit in the carriage and take part in the walk.

The cat was delighted that everything was going like clockwork, and happily ran in front of the carriage.

On the way, he saw peasants mowing hay in the meadow.

“Hey, good people,” he shouted as he ran, “if you don’t tell the king that this meadow belongs to the Marquis de Carabas, you will all be chopped into pieces like pie filling!” Just know it!

Just then the royal carriage arrived, and the king asked, looking out of the window:

Whose meadow are you mowing?

However, Marquis, you have a glorious estate here! - said the king.

Yes, sir, this meadow produces excellent hay every year,” the Marquis answered modestly.

Meanwhile, the uncle-cat ran forward and forward until he saw reapers working in the field along the road.

“Hey, good people,” he shouted, “if you don’t tell the king that all this bread belongs to the Marquis de Carabas, then know that you will all be chopped into pieces, like filling for a pie!”

A minute later the king rode up to the reapers and wanted to know whose fields they were reaping.

Fields of the Marquis de Carabas,” answered the reapers. And the king again rejoiced for Mister Marquis. And the cat kept running forward and ordered everyone who came across him to say the same thing: “This is the house of the Marquis de Carabas,” “this is the mill of the Marquis de Carabas,” “this is the garden of the Marquis de Carabas.” The king could not be surprised at the wealth of the young marquis.

And finally, the cat ran to the gates of the beautiful castle. A very rich cannibal giant lived here. No one in the world has ever seen a giant richer than this. All the lands through which the royal carriage passed were in his possession.

The cat found out in advance what kind of giant he was, what his strength was, and asked to be allowed to see his owner. He, they say, cannot and does not want to pass by without paying his respects.

The cannibal received him with all the courtesy of which an cannibal is capable, and suggested that he rest.

“They assured me,” said the cat, “that you can turn into any animal.” Well, for example, you supposedly can turn into a lion or an elephant...

Can! - the giant barked. - And to prove this, I will immediately become a lion! Look!

The cat was so frightened when he saw the lion in front of him that in an instant he climbed up the drainpipe onto the roof, although it was difficult and even dangerous, because it is not so easy to walk on the tiles in boots.

Only when the giant again took on his former appearance did the cat come down from the roof and confess to his owner that he had almost died from fear.

“They also assured me,” he said, “but I just can’t believe this, that you supposedly know how to turn into even the smallest animals.” Well, for example, become a rat or even a mouse. I must tell you the truth that I consider this completely impossible.

Ah, that's how it is! Impossible? - asked the giant. - Come on, look!

And at the same moment he turned into a mouse. The mouse quickly ran across the floor, but the cat chased after it and swallowed it at once.

Meanwhile, the king, passing by, noticed a beautiful castle along the way and wished to enter there.

The cat heard the wheels of the royal carriage rattling on the drawbridge, and, running out to meet him, said to the king:

Welcome to the castle of the Marquis de Carabas, Your Majesty! You are welcome!

How, Mister Marquis?! - exclaimed the king. - Is this castle yours too? It is impossible to imagine anything more beautiful than this yard and the buildings around it. Yes, this is just a palace! Let's see what it's like inside, if you don't mind.

The Marquis gave his hand to the beautiful princess and led her after the king, who, as expected, walked in front.

All three of them entered the large hall, where a magnificent dinner had been prepared.

Just on this day, the cannibal invited his friends to his place, but they did not dare to come, having learned that the king was visiting the castle.

The king was fascinated by the merits of Monsieur Marquis de Carabas almost as much as his daughter, who was simply crazy about the marquis.

In addition, His Majesty could not, of course, fail to appreciate the wonderful possessions of the Marquis and, having drained five or six cups, said:

If you want to become my son-in-law, Mister Marquis, it depends only on you. And I agree.

The marquis thanked the king with a respectful bow for the honor shown to him, and on the same day he married the princess.

And the cat became a noble nobleman and since then he hunted mice only occasionally - for his own pleasure.
