74th motorized rifle brigade Yurga Chechnya. Domestic weapons and military equipment. War is war, but lunch is on the menu

Military unit 21005 is a constituent element of the 41st separate army of the Central Military District. Location: city Yurga Kemerovo region. The unit is also known as the 74th Separate Guards Zvenigorod-Berlin Order of Suvorov II degree motorized rifle brigade.

Historical information.

Military unit 21005 was formed back in April 1943 as the 94th Infantry Division. The Marines, who at that time served in the unit, during the Great Patriotic War fought at Stalingrad, on the Kursk Bulge, participated in the liberation of Kharkov, Belgorod and Chisinau, and stormed Berlin.
The division received the name “Zvenigorod” for the successful battle in Zvenigorodka, and “Berlinskaya” - for the storming of Berlin and the battle on the Odra. After the war and until 1992, the unit was stationed on the territory of modern Germany. Since 1993, the Kemerovo region has become the location. The track record of soldiers and officers includes an anti-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus.
Military unit 21005 has undergone complete rearmament. Some are provided with combat vehicles and weapons, and the personnel have completed scheduled retraining courses for military personnel.

Information from eyewitnesses.

Soldiers live in cubicle-type dormitories of 5 or 6 people in one room. The block has a shower, dryer and toilet. The canteen is located in a separate building, and meals are provided by civilians. Soldiers of military unit 21005 are exempt from kitchen duties, but clean the unit’s territory, including dormitories. The garrison has a House of Culture, a shop, a library, a first-aid post and a teahouse.
Dismissals are issued to military personnel in the established order, but after taking the oath. A soldier may be granted leave for 14 days for family reasons. The rest of the time you can meet with your family at checkpoint military unit 21005. Calling home is allowed in the evening, but also only after taking the oath.
Soldiers are trained in military affairs, engage in physical training and go on combat shooting. Soldiers receive parcels once a week. It is best to send warm clothes, medicines, sweets and personal hygiene items.
The unit accepts only men for contract service. Officers and contract soldiers receive monetary compensation for rental housing, as well as daily rations. In addition, they are paid financial assistance and allowances. All military personnel of military unit 21005 are transferred to a bank card, and there is an ATM near the checkpoint.
During illness, soldiers stay in the first-aid post for 15 days, and in case of complications they are sent to the Novosibirsk hospital. There is no military hospital in Yurga.
The oath is taken on Saturday. All necessary lists and other information are available at the checkpoint. Given the cold climate of the region, it is better for relatives to take more warm clothes with them.

How to get there.

From the bus station, minibuses No. 1, No. 8 and No. 28 go to military unit 21005. You need to get off at the Voentorg stop; there is a checkpoint next to it.
If you are coming from the third microdistrict of the city of Yurga, you need to take bus No. 4-a and get off at the Voengorodok stop.
There are also buses from Kemerovo. They follow to the unit (the stop is called “Upper Brigade”).
The most convenient way to get to the district hospital is by minibus No. 30 and No. 32-g, and you need to get off at the “Hospital” stop.

Contact information.

8 (384-51) 5-49-62 – switchboard military unit 21005;
7 (384-51) 6-71-61 – military registration and enlistment office in Yurga;
8(384-51) 5 49 98 - post office in Yurga;
7 (383-33) 63-70-47 – hospital in Novosibirsk.
652053 Kemerovo region, city of Yurga - unit address.
652053 Kemerovo region, Yurga city, st. Garrisonnaya, 10 - post office address.

The location of the 74th Separate Guards Zvenigorod-Berlin Order of Suvorov 2nd Degree Motorized Rifle Brigade, or military unit 21005, is the city of Yurga, Kemerovo Region. The unit is part of the 41st Separate Army of the Central Military District.


Awarding the 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade with the Order of Kutuzov

The beginning of the formation of the 74th motorized rifle brigade can be considered the 94th rifle division, created in April 1943. Then it included marines who took part in the battles of Stalingrad, soldiers of the 12th and 96th naval rifle brigades. The unit took its first battle on the Kursk Bulge in 1943, and literally a few months later it was already liberating Kharkov and Belgorod.
During the Second World War, the 94th Division took part in the battles for Chisinau, for many Polish cities, and also stormed Berlin. For the heroism shown in the battle for the village of Zvenigorodka, the formation received the name “Zvenigorodskaya”. The unit was awarded the Order of Suvorov, 2nd degree, for crossing the Dniester in 1944. The second name - "Berlin" division was awarded for the storming of the German capital and breaking through the enemy defenses on the Odra.

Part Day Celebrations

From 1945 to 1992, the location of the then 94th Infantry Division was Germany. In 1993, the unit's troops were withdrawn from the Western Group of Forces and transferred to the Kemerovo region. In 1993, the unit was reorganized into the 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade, which was joined by the 386th Tank Regiment and the 85th Motorized Rifle Division.
From the autumn of 1999 to the spring of 2001, the officers and soldiers of the formation were involved in the anti-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus, including the assault on Grozny.
To date, military unit 21005 is the only formation of the Central Military District that has undergone complete rearmament. The unit received the latest combat vehicles and military weapons, and officers and soldiers underwent a retraining course for military personnel.
Currently, the formation consists of motorized rifle and tank battalions, artillery battalions and several support companies.

Eyewitness impressions

Block room-kubrick

Those who served in military unit 21005 note that military personnel, both contract and urgent conscription, live in block-type dormitories. Cubic rooms are designed for 5-6 people, there are 2 of them in one block. Bathroom, dryer, shower - one per block.
There is no canteen on the territory of the hostel; it is located in a separate building. Civilians are involved in cooking; soldiers do not have kitchen duties. However, they carry out park and maintenance work, just like cleaning the blocks in the hostel.
In addition to the canteen, soldiers can eat in a teahouse or make purchases at a local “chip” during their unit. Other infrastructure facilities in the garrison include a House of Culture, a library and a first-aid post.
The training program includes classes in military affairs, physical training and field shooting. The latter, which is typical, are carried out quite often, since a training ground is located at military unit 21005.

Soldiers are allowed to leave on a first-come, first-served basis, but only after the oath of office, which takes place on Saturday. Relatives who are planning to attend this event are advised to take warm clothes with them. The fighter’s details and the oath table can be viewed in the lists at the checkpoint. Another point about layoffs that eyewitnesses mention is the possibility of leave of up to 14 days, which is provided only for family reasons. During the rest of the service, meetings with relatives are possible at the checkpoint in the visiting room, from 11.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 18.00.

View of one of the barracks of the 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade

Calls to relatives are allowed in the evenings, from 18.00 to 21.00, but it is better not to give the SIM card to the soldier, but to purchase it on the spot before the oath along with the phone, because Before the oath, contact with relatives is prohibited. Among telecom operators, those who served in the 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade recommend:

  • Beeline: tariffs “0 doubts”, “Vseshechka”;
  • MTS: “Per-second” tariff;
  • Megafon: tariffs “All inclusive”, “Go to 0”, “Everything is simple” (calls for 0.8 rubles for residents of other regions).

To serve under a contract in military unit 21005 you must:

  • Be between 18 and 40 years old;
  • Pass a medical examination and psychological screening service;
  • Have an education of at least secondary (for officer positions) and at least junior secondary (for soldiers);

Only men are accepted for contract service in this unit. Financial assistance in the amount of 2 salaries is paid once a year, and “lifting” when concluding a contract for the first time is paid once. In addition, military personnel receive compensation for daily rations, rental housing outside the military camp and travel allowances.
There is no military hospital in Yurga, the nearest medical center is the regional hospital (Shosseyny lane, 8) and the hospital in Novosibirsk. Soldiers stay at the unit's first aid station for only 15 days; in case of serious illnesses, patients are sent to Novosibirsk.

Military oath in military unit 21005

Cash subsidies for fixed-term and contract employees are credited to the card of Uralsibbank, whose ATM is located next to the checkpoint. For withdrawals from cards of other banks, a commission is charged, set by the organization that issued the card. ATMs of other banks in Yurga:
1. VTB-24:

  • st. Moskovskaya, 11 (from 9.00 to 19.00);
  • st. Turgeneva, 42-g (from 8.00 to 20.00).

2. Sberbank of Russia:

  • Pobedy Avenue, 10 (Imperial store, from 10 to 19.00);
  • Pobedy Avenue, 38 (central entrance to the building, 24 hours a day);
  • Pobedy Avenue, 8 (Okey store, 24 hours a day).

Information for mom

Parcels and letters

The first to leave Khankala was a train with servicemen and military equipment from the 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Siberian Military District.

The command - "to the carriages!" The Yurga 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade has been waiting since September 13, 1999. For at least five thousand of its fighters, the war in Chechnya has already ended. They'll be home in about a week.

The field cockades for ordinary soldiers of the 74th Yurga Brigade were changed only before boarding the carriages. Previously, they did not do this, so as not to jinx the sending home. The 74th brigade is the first of the units of the combined group to return to its place of permanent deployment.

SOLDIER: “Today is a very happy day. We waited a lot, a long time, endured a lot. But in principle, everything is fine.”

The brigade entered Chechnya in the fall of 99, and since then, as the soldiers say, they have not stood still. They fought along the Tersky Range, took Grozny, and cleared the Vedenskoye and Argun gorges. In one and a half goals of fighting, the 74th lost more than a hundred people.

Preparations for the shipment took place in conditions of increased secrecy. The command was afraid of provocations and forbade the soldiers to write about being sent home. Already at the entrance to the military base in Khankala, the convoy was fired upon. Two people were injured. The officers assure that they will celebrate farewell to Chechnya at home, but the conductors of their train are confident that it will be a fun flight. After all, the soldiers are not going to Chechnya, but back.

The 74th brigade was escorted home by the group's commander, General Baranov, and the head of the Chechen administration, Akhmad Kadyrov. In their opinion, the reduction of the group will not cause any intensification of militants.

VALERY BARANOV, commander of the joint group: “If we had fears that the situation would change, we would not have done this. But we are confident that the situation is stable today and will stabilize further.”

After sending the soldiers, the head of Chechnya, Akhmad Kadyrov, said that he hoped to persuade the famous field commander Ruslan Gelayev to stop resistance.

Today only the first echelon with people and equipment of the 74th brigade left Chechnya. There will be 11 of them in total.

The commander of the North Caucasus Military District, Gennady Troshev, spoke today in an interview with our television company about how the partial reduction of the surplus forces of the Joint Group will take place.

GENNADY TROSHEV, commander of the troops of the North Caucasus Military District: “Today the first military unit is being loaded onto the train, which literally tomorrow or the day after tomorrow will arrive at the place of permanent deployment. This will happen daily, weekly, monthly. But we are doing this wisely, within reasonable limits, that’s why the number of troops that will remain will be sufficient to give an adequate response to those who try to do something against the troops and against the civilian population."

The location of the 74th Separate Guards Zvenigorod-Berlin Order of Suvorov 2nd Degree Motorized Rifle Brigade, or military unit 21005, is the city of Yurga, Kemerovo Region. The unit is part of the 41st Separate Army of the Central Military District.


The beginning of the formation of the 74th motorized rifle brigade can be considered the 94th rifle division, created in April 1943. Then it included marines who took part in the battles of Stalingrad, soldiers of the 12th and 96th naval rifle brigades. The unit took its first battle on the Kursk Bulge in 1943, and literally a few months later it was already liberating Kharkov and Belgorod.
During the Second World War, the 94th Division took part in the battles for Chisinau, for many Polish cities, and also stormed Berlin. For the heroism shown in the battle for the village of Zvenigorodka, the formation received the name “Zvenigorodskaya”. The unit was awarded the Order of Suvorov, 2nd degree, for crossing the Dniester in 1944. The second name - "Berlin" division was awarded for the storming of the German capital and breaking through the enemy defenses on the Odra.

Monument to guardsmen who died in the line of military duty

From 1945 to 1992, the location of the then 94th Infantry Division was Germany. In 1993, the unit's troops were withdrawn from the Western Group of Forces and transferred to the Kemerovo region. In 1993, the unit was reorganized into the 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade, which was joined by the 386th Tank Regiment and the 85th Motorized Rifle Division.
From the autumn of 1999 to the spring of 2001, the officers and soldiers of the formation were involved in the anti-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus, including the assault on Grozny.
By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 31, 2013 No. 656 “For distinction in battles during counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus region,” the 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade was awarded the Order of Kutuzov.

Awarding the 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade with the Order of Kutuzov

To date, military unit 21005 is the only formation of the Central Military District that has undergone complete rearmament. The unit received the latest combat vehicles and military weapons, and officers and soldiers underwent a retraining course for military personnel.
Currently, the formation consists of motorized rifle and tank battalions, artillery battalions and several support companies.

Part Day Celebrations

Eyewitness impressions

Those who served in military unit 21005 note that military personnel, both contract and urgent conscription, live in block-type dormitories. Cubic rooms are designed for 5-6 people, there are 2 of them in one block. Bathroom, dryer, shower - one per block.
There is no canteen on the territory of the hostel; it is located in a separate building. Civilians are involved in cooking; soldiers do not have kitchen duties. However, they carry out park and maintenance work, just like cleaning the blocks in the hostel.
In addition to the canteen, soldiers can eat in a teahouse or make purchases at a local “chip” during their unit. Other infrastructure facilities in the garrison include a House of Culture, a library and a first-aid post.

Block room-kubrick

The training program includes classes in military affairs, physical training and field shooting. The latter, which is typical, are carried out quite often, since a training ground is located at military unit 21005.
Soldiers are allowed to leave on a first-come, first-served basis, but only after the oath of office, which takes place on Saturday. Relatives who are planning to attend this event are advised to take warm clothes with them. The fighter’s details and the oath table can be viewed in the lists at the checkpoint. Another point about layoffs that eyewitnesses mention is the possibility of leave of up to 14 days, which is provided only for family reasons. During the rest of the service, meetings with relatives are possible at the checkpoint in the visiting room, from 11.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 18.00.

Calls to relatives are allowed in the evenings, from 18.00 to 21.00, but it is better not to give the SIM card to the soldier, but to purchase it on the spot before the oath along with the phone, because Before the oath, contact with relatives is prohibited.

View of one of the barracks of the 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade

Among telecom operators, those who served in the 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade recommend:

  • Beeline: tariffs “0 doubts”, “Vseshechka”;
  • MTS: “Per-second” tariff;
  • Megafon: tariffs “All inclusive”, “Go to 0”, “Everything is simple” (calls for 0.8 rubles for residents of other regions).

To serve under a contract in military unit 21005 you must:

  • Be between 18 and 40 years old;
  • Pass a medical examination and psychological screening service;
  • Have an education of at least secondary (for officer positions) and at least junior secondary (for soldiers);

Only men are accepted for contract service in this unit. Financial assistance in the amount of 2 salaries is paid once a year, and “lifting” when concluding a contract for the first time is paid once. In addition, military personnel receive compensation for daily rations, rental housing outside the military camp and travel allowances.
There is no military hospital in Yurga, the nearest medical center is the regional hospital (Shosseyny Lane, and a hospital in Novosibirsk. Soldiers stay at the unit’s first aid station for only 15 days; in case of serious illnesses, patients are sent to Novosibirsk.

Military oath in military unit 21005

KUTYUKOV AlexanderVyacheslavovich private military unit 21005 74th Omsbr

He took part in hostilities as part of a military unit from Yurga, Kemerovo region. This unit, as is known, suffered severe losses during the December 1994 assault on Grozny. That's when the guy from the Fast Source died. However, all this time he was considered a missing relative; the Ministry of Defense did not report anything about his fate. And only the mother’s persistent search allowed her to find her son’s body in the deceased refrigerators in Rostov-on-Don. 04/11/1996 he was buried in his homeland.

In the small Bystroistoksky district, this is already the second case of the death of a fellow countryman in Chechnya..html

Uvarov Alexander Valerievich. On January 19, 1995, he died in the Chechen Republic as a result of a gunshot wound, in the Republic of Chechnya as part of the ADN military unit 65349 of the 81st Guards. SME PriVO

In ancient times, when the Kazakh people asked for protection from Russia, the Cossacks went to those lands. The year was 1867 - the year of the formation of the Semirechensk Cossack Army.

The third generation of Semirechensk Cossacks, the Kutyukovs, by the will of fate in 1992 ended up on Altai land, in Bystry Istok. The status of migrants is not an easy lot. At that time, three sons had already grown up in the Kutyukov family: Andrey, Alexey, Alexander. Three strong shoulders in their old age should become a support for their parents - Vyacheslav Stepanovich and Lyubov Efimovna. The eldest graduated from the Institute of Architecture and Construction. Average athlete, candidate master of sports. And the youngest... Sasha was also born in Almaty, grew up among a people strong in its traditions, - says his father - Where, for example, preparing excellent food was a man’s privilege. The owner got up early on the holiday, while the family was still sleeping, and began to work magic at the stove. But as soon as you rolled up your sleeves, you could hear the patter of your youngest son’s little feet in the children’s bedroom. And the first hot pancake was always his. Sasha will write his last letter on November 7, 1994. Mom keeps letters from her son as her most precious possessions. These lines are the living words of her boy: “I promised you, mom, that I would behave well. I do that, I don’t go anywhere, I don’t even go on a self-propelled vehicle, even though I could. But I promised! New Year is coming soon, and then spring, summer and home, don’t worry too much, time will fly by. Mom, send me some photo of us together, otherwise sometimes I really want to look at you..” Forgive us, said the journalist, it’s our poverty that we don’t have it. ability to store records. We erase and record new material.."

“Missing” - the blow bent the parents’ shoulders to the ground. Self-propelled gun No. 614 disappeared in Grozny during the offensive. And in the fall of 1995, a letter arrived from Rostov-on-Don. We need to go for identification 24. The military examination laboratory examined the remains of soldiers, carried out painstaking work, prints, etc. For a whole month in Moscow we walked along the corridors of power and achieved our goal. Now genetics will be done, and parents will not pay for it.
This time I brought my son’s dental record for identification. Based on a lot of data, Sasha was finally found...
Conclusion of the examination:
"Presumably died on January 3, 1995. Prerequisites for death - mine - explosive wound"
“Sasha was a tall, stately guy,” his father says. “Everyone had fists. What’s left of him?” The hand was in a glove... And it was attached to another corpse. He could not speak further. But then he raised his head - This was our gene pool, these boys are heroes. Everything seemed to be a selection. A lot of them passed before my eyes when on the display I had to carefully peer into the faces of the dead soldiers lying on the battlefield in order to identify my son. Who deserted? Who mowed down from the army? They are not real men. But these boys are our pride. I spoke with those who fought with Sasha. When they were sent into battle, there was talk about possible captivity. And Sasha took out a grenade and said: “Here is my captivity!” The nature of the wound suggests that this grenade was exploded in his hands.
