Quotes about a warm day. Quotes on the topic “Warmth of the soul. Aphorisms about winter

A university professor once asked his students this question: “Is everything that exists created by God?”
One student boldly responded, “Yes, created by God.”
“God created everything?” - asked the professor.
“Yes, sir,” the student replied.
The professor asked: “If God created everything, then God created evil, since it exists. And according to the principle that our deeds determine us, then God is evil.”
The student became quiet when he heard this answer. The professor was very pleased with himself. He boasted to the students that he had once again proven that belief in God is a myth.
Another student raised his hand and said, “Can I ask you a question, professor?”
“Of course,” answered the professor. The student stood up and asked
“Professor, does cold exist?”
“What kind of question? Of course it exists. Have you ever been cold?
The students laughed at the young man's question.
The young man replied,
“Actually, sir, there is no such thing as cold. According to the laws of physics, what we think of as cold is actually the absence of heat. A person or object can be studied to see if it has or transmits energy. Absolute zero (-460 degrees Fahrenheit) is the complete absence of heat. All matter becomes inert and unable to react at this temperature. Cold doesn't exist. We created this word to describe how we feel when there is no heat."
The student continued. -
“Professor, does darkness exist?”
The professor replied,
"Of course it exists."
The student replied,
“You are wrong again, sir. Darkness also does not exist. Darkness is actually the absence of light. We can study light, but not darkness. We can use a Newtonian prism to split white light into many colors and study the different wavelengths of each color. You cannot measure darkness. A simple beam of light can break into a dark world and illuminate it. How can you know how dark any space is? You measure how much light is presented. Isn't it? Darkness is a concept that humans use to describe what happens in the absence of light."
Finally, the young man asked the professor,
“Sir, does evil exist?” This time hesitantly, the professor replied,
“Of course, like I said. We see him every day. Cruelty between people, a lot of crime and violence around the world. These examples are nothing more than manifestations of evil.”
To this the student replied,
“Evil does not exist, sir, or at least it does not exist for himself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is similar to darkness and cold - a word created by man to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is not faith or love, which exist as light and warmth.
Evil is the result of the absence of Divine love in a person’s heart. It’s like the cold that comes when there is no heat, or like the darkness that comes when there is no light.”
The professor sat down.
The student's name was Albert Einstein.

You got used to her, she loved you.
I didn’t give her gifts or flowers,
Didn't tell her how beautiful she was
And that he is ready to do anything for her.

You were busy all the time. I was annoyed
When she cared, loving.
And even you never tried
Find out what her soul is screaming about.

She wanted to become unique
To become the most important thing in life for you,
But again, falling asleep, he sees his back,
And she really wants to look into your eyes.

And she really wants warmth and understanding,
A little affection and very simple care,
To give her a little attention,
At least on Sunday and Saturday.

She follows you even into the abyss,
And he won’t betray you in trouble, and will be there for you.
She wants to be useful to you
Greet you from work with dinner and tea.

You don’t value her, you don’t value her at all.
And you are not afraid of losing at all.
Oh, if only you knew how many people you refused,
So that she can fall asleep next to you...

I want everything to be new again,
I want it to happen again
To become loved again from an acquaintance,
To tremble from a pleasant word.

I want to take a walk for the first time
And to the cinema for the first time too,
So that all night with him through the alleys,
To turn the hands of strangers into family.

To make your heart clench painfully
From separation for an hour or less,
So that only this seems like pain,
And it happened as rarely as possible.

I want you to call in the middle of the night
And he whispered that he couldn’t sleep,
Like, from my two lines for the night
He's got goosebumps...

To listen to him endlessly
To see his smile
So that a minute with him lasts forever,
I want without rakes and errors.

I want him to become my best
To be endlessly happy
To cook dinner together,
There was also something to keep silent about.

I want to drown in these feelings
Without fear of being weaker,
Choking from the passion of madness,
To make winters warmer with it.

I want! And I know in the world
All dreams still come true,
And on this huge planet,
He dreams about me too.

A man needs a man
To drink bitter coffee with him,
Stay nearby for the night
...to be interested in health.

To smile just like that
So that my heart becomes warmer,
To worry, "there's a draft"
Put on your slippers quickly.

A man needs a man
Call and listen to his voice:
“And it snowed today.
How are you there without me? I'm worried!"

To have a friend, a friend, a neighbor,
And still snoring by my side,
Without which there is no happiness in life,
It's very lonely without her...

There's always someone who needs you
Who believes in you so naively,
Who boldly trusts his soul,
Who is ready to wait, lovingly, at the door...

Who every moment - with his breath, with his gaze
I am always ready to strive for you,
There is always someone who is just nearby
Who is not afraid to be unnecessary...

Who knows that love is not asked for,
Who knows that love is not mercy,
To throw it with a coin,
So that she rolls down to her feet...

But at any time, when adversity
They squeeze the heart in their vice,
There is always someone who is in bad weather
It will give you warmth - keep you warm...

There's always someone who needs you
Stubborn, proud, full of pain,
Who will silently accept your soul
Into your hot palms...

And it won’t remind you in the hour of sadness,
When the wind howls in anguish -
"For those we tame,
Always, always, always in response..."

No matter how the run of events attracts you,
No matter how you draw me into your whirlpool,
Take care of your mother more than your eyes
From grievances, from hardships and worries.
Pain for sons is like chalk,
He will bleach her braids white.
Even if the heart is hardened,
Give mom a little warmth.
If you have become harsh at heart,
Be gentle with her, children.
Protect your mother from evil words,
Know that children hurt everyone the most.
If your mothers are tired,
You must give them a good rest,
Protect them from black shawls,
Protect women from war.
Mother will leave and the scar will not be erased,
The mother will die, and the pain will not be relieved.
I beg you, take care of Mom!
Children of the world, take care of Mother!

Winter is the best time for lovers. Cold evenings give them the opportunity to enjoy time spent with each other. We have selected the most romantic statuses and quotes.

Quotes about love and winter

Winter... for some, a cold and gloomy time of year! For some this is a white and angelic time, but for me it is just a time to snuggle up to you once again.

A cold winter is ahead... But I don’t worry, because you will be there and warm me.

We have a whole winter ahead of us to learn to appreciate what will happen, and not what has passed.

And it’s winter in the city and it’s somehow become cold, I’m looking for someone with whom the whole world is not enough. There will still be a person who will love me simply for who I am. He will rejoice at my smile, and in winter he will force me to wear a warm scarf...

The first snow is like first love. Most likely it will melt, but this is where the fairy tale begins...

Look for your loved ones - the winter is too cold ahead.

Winter is the time to fall in love; at this time of year, love has never been so pure and so tender.

The best relationships begin in winter. If you like each other in a bunch of clothes, a hat and a red nose, that’s definitely love!

Winter is a time of miracles, fairy tales, love, warmth, new expectations. Let's believe in miracles, because the New Year is coming soon.

Have a fluffy winter and precipitation in the form of happiness and love!

Love has its seasons. Its own spring, summer, autumn and winter... Each season has its own, tiny seasons. There are also four of them. For example, the summer of love has its own very small autumn, winter, summer and spring... And when the winter of your love comes, you will wait for spring. But this will not be the spring of old love, but of some new one...
(M. Pavic)

Contrary to appearances, winter is the time of hope and love.

If in winter sometimes even the sea freezes, then what can we expect from love...

Love: in winter from the cold, in summer from the heat, in spring from the first leaves, in autumn from the last - always from everything.
(M. Tsvetaeva)

Winter... It makes meetings shorter, faces sadder, loneliness more noticeable. But she makes words warmer, kisses stronger, and love... Love does not depend on the time of year...

Let everyone have a fabulously beautiful winter, in the arms of a loved one!

Love is when you want to experience all four seasons with someone. When you want to run with someone from a spring thunderstorm under lilacs strewn with flowers, and in the summer you want to pick berries and swim in the river. In the fall, make jam together and seal the windows against the cold. In winter - help survive a runny nose and long evenings.

It’s good when white flakes of snow fall on your eyelashes, and you have someone to throw into a snowdrift, roll in the snow, and then warm up with hot tea...

“It’s cold,” said the grandmother, running her hand over the radiator.
“It’s cold,” I said and removed my hand from my heart.

I thank fate that that winter ago, like a clear dawn, I gave you your look!
Even if it’s cold outside, even if life is sometimes difficult, but if you’re nearby, there’s always spring in your soul!

May each of you meet someone with whom you can share the cold evenings this winter. And most importantly, don’t forget to say warm words to each other, because they warm you up much better than warm tea.

From a cold place it beckons to warmth...
There, where I will warm myself... my warmth is not enough
Souls... wasted everything on... “small raft”...
A friend suggested smoked lard...

But now. after all, post! Drugs are prohibited :),
And I don’t drink much good tea...
To my beloved soon, under a tender blanket...
I don’t need any other kind of happiness, believe me...

Together we light such a fire,
It immediately warms your soul, everything is wonderful!
How long can I swim - the vastness of space...
What divides us, but it’s not in vain...

When I finally get to you,
With love, my joy, you will meet me
I will accumulate warmth in my soul... in reality
Dreams will come true! About a fabulous summer...

Suddenly the window turned white again.
Not a trace of spring remained.
This is the great law of meanness.
And we wander through the snow to nowhere.

And spring has been raging in my soul for a long time,
The scenery doesn't match at all.
I will have to again as always
Become a clear, warm sun for everyone.

Snow in April is like a farewell chord,
Kiss of a sad long winter.
This snow will not last forever, it will pass!
Let's enjoy the many colors of spring.

We need to live in any weather,
Warm people with your kindness.
We are capable of surviving everything in life,
If there is peace and tranquility in our hearts.

If the light of love burns like fire in us,
Then any frost is no longer scary.
If you're even close to someone, just the two of you.
So warm and good at heart.

We miss the sun...
Souls are frozen in sadness...
We would like the ringing of our hearts,
The one that was lost in sadness...

I would like to pull out the desires,
From fearful thoughts,
Express them with recognition
The most open and clean!

And unearth tenderness,
The one that is buried in the heart...
It's cold and snowy there
It's hard for him to warm up...

It doesn’t happen they will say...
Day gives way to night...
Even if we fall asleep
At least for one hour...

The sun caresses the skin
The wind plays with sand...
I'll kick off my pumps
And I’ll run barefoot...

You're catching up quickly
You hug with authority...
Happiness is like a shot
In the heart and impartially...

Happiness is like the sea
In waves, and with your head...
Even though we'll wake up soon,
Believe... it's with you...

We miss the sun...

It's time for a blizzard
Burana, blizzards, blizzards.
While it's far from a drop,
You walk and you can’t see a thing.
We still have a long night
Dreaming about the warmth of summer days,
Drowning in routine and sadness,
Wanting to warm up quickly.
But with the music of the sun and light
Spring blooms in hearts.
The hot summer will return,
A comet will sparkle in the skies.
If only I had something to warm myself up with,
Love and friendship, tea.
Let your heart burn brightly
Warming relatives with warmth.
Let it be cozy and inviting
And your joyful home is warm.
Let there be no cold in your souls,
Let's warm each other with goodness!

Covered with snow, life makes age and reality unimportant, leaving only the main thing - those who are next to us...

I love this life. All the bad things don't count -
If you're close, if you're close.
I’m with you, well, and the snow keeps coming and going, -
He covers up our mistakes...

I'm not tired of living yet! Be surprised and believe in miracles.
Smile at the tricks of lies and find friends everywhere.
I’m not tired of giving warmth to far from holy people.
Understanding: good and evil have always been and will forever be!
But I tried to add a little bit of goodness without getting tired.
And fortune was generous, and the evil misfortune passed.
Although the turns of fate are difficult, I greet the day with a ringing song.
I'm not yet tired of being (even in my heart) a naughty girl!

Warm people.
Why are they called that?
There are no built-in fireplaces, stoves, or radiators.
They look ordinary, but if you look closely, they shine
The kind of light that immediately makes you feel warmer.

They make you feel comfortable and comfortable in any environment,
With them, longing goes away, sadness disappears.
With them you completely forget what “awkward” means
There is only one thing - it’s painfully sad to leave.

Warm people will share all your worries with you,
They will evaluate you honestly, without flattery and false embellishments.
If not nearby, they smile with a photo,
Through the paper they will warm you with the warmth of their eyes.

What is their secret?
Yes, believe me, there is no secret here,
These people just have huge hearts!
Here it is - the source of warmth and spiritual light,
The coolest heaters in the world are stronger.

Holidays are a time when everyone expects gifts: from people, from life. But the one who is ready to give something receives. Give a little holiday for the soul to those who lack attention, to those who are lonely or drowning in the daily routine of affairs! There is no need to buy souvenirs with the symbol of the year... Just give a good WORD; a few minutes of your time... but from the heart!

Light from the eyes! Warmth from the heart! Happiness is here, with me! And also a call from childhood - my daughter’s mischievous laughter!

Love is a great country where positivity and happiness rule. Where we feel comfortable and warm, where bad weather does not find a place. Where the moon smiles, where the stars are brighter, the dream is sweeter. Where a heart beats another heart in unison.

All I need now is to hug you, feel the warmth of your body and, without words, just enjoy the moment of being near you.

And in winter we will be warm and cozy with our loved ones.

Be only with someone, at the very thought of whom a happy sparkle appears in your eyes and warmth in your soul. The rest is a waste of time.

Thank you, my dear husband, for the light, warmth, attention and affection. You are next to me and you turn everyday life into a fairy tale!

Just love, quietly and tenderly, Give warmth and hope with all your heart. So that your heart burns, love, without a trace. Let love be as beautiful as a fairy tale!

For spiritual closeness and warmth, distance is not an obstacle.

If a man cannot provide you with warmth, comfort and protect you from life's troubles, it is better to leave him where you found him!

Come to our dacha! It's warm here, beer, girls, beauty! - Dad, I won’t fall for this, dig your own potatoes.

I look out the window, and there is happiness. Warmth, sun and long-awaited spring.

God forbid, someday it will be bad, instead of you I’d rather die myself. Thank you for your warmth, I will not forget a single day, In my heart you are beloved friends.

A GIRL is a fire in the hearth! It's warm in bed! This is the aroma in the kitchen! This is a smile on the lips! This is the sparkle of the eyes! GIRLS: you have so many advantages!!!

How nice it is to come to a place where you are expected, where homemade food smells delicious, where it is always warm - not only for the body, but also for the soul.

It’s cold outside, and more and more often you want warmth.

Everyone dreams of finding someone with whom they will feel good, warm and cozy. And then it ceases to matter what your height, weight or hair color is. The only thing that matters is what place you occupy in this person’s life.

A husband and wife are lying in bed. He put his hand on her chest and said: “You are as warm as the earth!” She: - If you don’t cultivate this land, I’ll rent it out!

There are people, after talking with whom your soul feels so warm and you look at the world completely differently.

I’m like the sun - warm, at times - burning, sometimes - sad, but damn cute!

In his arms my heart beats completely differently. I want to inhale its smell and feel its warmth endlessly.

All we women need is the warmth and devotion of our hearts, so that we can throw off our shawl from the snowfall, so that the cold will come to an end. And there is no point in dreaming about paradise while cherishing painful delirium. THERE ARE NO COLD WOMEN, THERE ARE NO ONE TO WARM!!!

On New Year's Eve, quietly ask God to give you happiness and health. On New Year's Eve, forgive all insults. On New Year's Eve there are more words about love. Wishes, smiles, kindness. Maybe only yours will come true, do not regret the warmth for your loved ones!

You want warmth and affection, but what you end up with is drinking and dancing.

Come, let's warm up like sparrows. Let's sit down and puff ourselves up. and we’ll think that it’s already warm)

In a couple of weeks everything will calm down and things will be different. There will be cozy autumn evenings, a warm mug of coffee, books and, probably, someone nearby

I desperately want to see you sleeping and hear your breath, your smell, feel your warmth and understand that from this day on it will be like this every morning.

It's too warm for friendship. It's too cool for love.

What do women want? In general, like everyone else: love, warmth, sex, attention, family, comfort. The main thing is to guess the dose and sequence.

Be born again every day. New story. New thoughts in my head and your warm hand. You. You are my most mysterious secret

Guys should understand that a lot of heat is contraindicated only for snowmen.

Your love warms my soul. And if this warmth disappears, I will die in cold and pain. How unhappy all the people died, but I am happy with you. And this Pain does not threaten me.

Before the Feast of Holy Christmas, I wanted to ask for forgiveness from everyone, with whom life brought me together, for every pleasant moment... Forgive if you can forgive, love, if you know how to love... I wish you health, warmth and strength... I myself have forgiven everyone a long time ago.

What a woman needs to be happy - love, attention and warmth. So that there is no bad weather in the family. So that sweet eyes are nearby. For the laughter of children, for a cozy home, for understanding and love. Wake up in the morning with a smile and decorate the whole world with yourself!

What difference does it make whether you are rich or poor... What difference does it make whether you are beautiful or not... Excessive wealth is even harmful to the soul... Only the warmth of the soul is beautiful... That's the whole secret))

All people want warmth from each other, but not many know how to share it.

Don't look for Light in people - Shine yourself. Don't look for Warmth in people - Hug yourself. Don't look for friends - make friends yourself. Don't look for Love - Love yourself.

Winter also has its advantages. If you are cold, someone can hug you and you will feel warm together.

You shouldn’t complain about the coldness of the world around you if you don’t give it even a drop of your warmth.

I want to look at you sleeping and hear your breathing, feel your warmth and understand that from now on it will be like this every morning.

Happiness is when you live on your own, and another person lives nearby. And you lie down in the same bed, and it’s warm and cozy there. And you can turn your back to him, and with the other hand they cover you from above from everything - earthquakes, falling meteorites, and you can sleep.

Don’t be afraid to give warming words and do good deeds! The more wood you put on the fire, the more heat you will take.

Spring organizes races of warmth, love and beauty, and girls bloom like flowers bloom.

Let's sit with you for a while, and hug me like you used to do when you were a child. Stay with me, we'll just be silent, I don't know where to go now. I only feel comfortable and warm with you, You never cause pain, My dear, how good it is.

A friend often asks why I dress so warmly, wrap myself in a scarf, and don’t walk around without a hat in winter. Yes, because I want healthy, healthy children in the future!

I want summer. Sun, beach, warmth and all the other delights of the warm season.

The heart is closed for inventory. There is a revaluation of values. A great lack of love, warmth, affection and a mismatch of understanding with misunderstanding was discovered. Sealed with a big seal of mistrust, the keys are lost, the storekeeper is fired.

A real woman is a fire in the hearth! It's warm in bed! This is the aroma in the kitchen! This is the smile of the lips, the sparkle of the eyes! Mother of children. and a sweet fairy tale in a man’s life!

Oh, this period in September, when the heat has already gone, but the heating in the houses has not yet been turned on! It's time for us, girls, to take our great-grandmother's brushed trousers out of our chests!

Everyone has poor home clothes, but they are so warm and comfortable.

Changes in moods are like changes in the weather, I feel slight changes inside me, probably after the sun of the summer warmth, autumn comes and behind it the cold.
