Project "the world around us". The world around us Well, here's another memory of the most romantic capital in the world, as we will never see it again.

The World Around Us collection is a magazine reissue of the 2011 book collection.

Collection " World around us“My universal encyclopedia of knowledge” will introduce you to the world around you and help you master school knowledge. On its pages you will discover a lot of new things about science and technology, plants and animals, you will find detailed information about the history of mankind, about our planet, cities and countries of the world! Gather a complete collection of educational magazines "The World Around Us". publishing house Ashet Collection(Hachette).


  • On each page - a lot of informative facts, vivid illustrations, photographs and diagrams.
  • Detailed explanations make all texts accessible and engaging.
  • Colorful illustrations and photographs allow you to fully immerse yourself in the topic.
  • Key facts, concepts and dates are listed separately for ease of remembering.
  • Drawings and diagrams make information visual.
  • The volume of each magazine is 48 pages.

With the magazines of the collection you will receive stickers depicting the planets, their satellites and artificial objects of the solar system. With the first issue you will receive a poster of the solar system. Find a place for each sticker on this poster.

The variety of topics and information in the magazines is combined with a clear structure. On the spine of each issue of the collection there is its name and one of the 6 headings of the encyclopedia to which it belongs. Arranging issues in convenient folders, you will always know where to find the information you are interested in.


The encyclopedia "The World Around Us" is well organized and divided into 6 headings:

  • Plants and animals– You will learn a lot about familiar plants and animals, and very quickly learn to recognize other, previously unknown species. A detailed overview of the fauna of our planet will allow you to meet even such animals that none of your friends have heard of!
  • Man and environment– You will be able to get to know our planet, oceans, continents and atmosphere better. You will also see what people do to protect and preserve the world around us.
  • Science and technology- You can easily find answers to the questions "What's inside?" and "How does it work?". You will learn a lot of new and interesting things thanks to simple and complete explanations and you will trace the history of the most important scientific events.
  • The World History– Thanks to fascinating texts and colorful illustrations, you will get up close and personal with the great figures and discoverers of the past, lost civilizations and the most important dates in world history. Any historical event will be remembered easily and for a long time.
  • Art and Society– Learn a lot of new and amazing things about the art and culture of different countries and civilizations. And also about the unusual hobbies and interests of your peers and their parents around the world.
  • Countries of the world– Take a fascinating journey around the world and get to know the countries of the world, their history, geography, administrative organization and traditions. Special pages are devoted to Russia.

Exit Schedule

№1 – solar system+ poster + sticker - 12/24/2016
№2 + №3 – Ancient Civilizations + Great Inventions+ sticker - 01/12/2017
№4 – The human body+ folder + sticker - 01/26/2017
№5 – Origin of the Earth+ sticker - 02.02.2017
№6 – mammals+ sticker
№7 – Planet Earth+ sticker
№8 – Insects, arachnids+ sticker
№9 – Russia+ sticker
№10 – Sea creatures+ sticker

How many issues

Total planned 75 issues.

Recommended price:
First edition - 49 rubles.
Second + Third issues (2 journals) – 149 rubles.
Fourth edition and beyond - 149 rubles.
Frequency: weekly.

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543), Polish astronomer, creator of the heliocentric system of the world.

Copernican model of the solar system. He believed that the planets revolve around the sun.

In ancient times, people believed that the center of the universe is the Earth, and the Sun, Moon and other planets revolve around it. True, ordinary people - hunters and farmers - did not know anything about other planets. During the day they saw only the Sun, and in the evenings - the Moon and the sky strewn with bright stars. It was easy for them to make mistakes. In the morning, when they got up, the sun was just rising, then it rose higher and higher, and set in the evening. So they deduced their ideas about how the world works from what they saw: the Earth is motionless, and the Sun revolves around it. But astronomers who studied the sky and celestial bodies thought the same way. They also considered the Earth to be fixed and flat, although they assumed that it was not the only one in space. There are also other planets that, like the Sun and the Moon, revolve around the Earth.

But already in the 4th century BC, the famous ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras suggested that the Earth is not flat, but has the shape of a ball. Following him, another scientist, Aristarchus, who lived in the 3rd century BC, without denying that the Earth is spherical, developed the Pythagorean theory and suggested that the Earth rotates around its axis and simultaneously rotates around the fixed Sun. Some scientists agreed with this theory, others rejected it and continued to prove their own. A hundred years later, in the 2nd century BC, the ancient Greek scholar Ptolemy wrote a book called Almagest. In it, he outlined his idea of ​​the structure of the sky and again returned to the fact that it is not the Earth that revolves around the Sun, but, on the contrary, the Sun revolves around the Earth.

Planetary map of Copernicus.

It was a mistake, but it was difficult to understand how things really happen in space. After all, then there were no telescopes or other instruments with which you can observe the movement of celestial bodies.

And only in 1543, when powerful telescopes had already appeared, the Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus was able to convincingly prove that the Earth rotates around its axis during the day, just like a top rotates, only very slowly, and people do not even notice this rotation. At the same time, the Earth also slowly revolves around the Sun, making one complete revolution during the year.

Copernicus also proved that not only the Earth revolves around the Sun, but also other planets. This is how the correct idea appeared about the existence of the whole solar system, in the center of which is the Sun, therefore this system is called the solar system. And all other celestial bodies: planets, asteroids and comets - move around the Sun in a certain order and do not scatter in different directions, because the Sun attracts them with its gravity.

Project participants:

  • children of the preparatory speech therapy group;
  • senior teacher,
  • educators,
  • teacher speech therapist,
  • music director,
  • parents.


“A person is a unique world of cultures, interacting with other personalities – cultures,
creating itself in the process of such interaction and influencing others"

M.M. Bakhtin

The problem of multicultural education of preschoolers in the modern conditions of the development of a multicultural society is of particular relevance. Introducing the child to the world of human values ​​ensures the formation of tolerance, the child's awareness of his belonging to world cultural values.

Obviously, a multicultural society is in need of a new worldview aimed at the integration of cultures and peoples with the aim of their further rapprochement and spiritual enrichment. All this substantiates the importance of multicultural education, the purpose of which is the formation of a person of culture, a creative personality capable of an active and productive life in a multicultural environment.

For preschoolers, familiarization with the culture of different peoples is a world of things unknown to him and vivid impressions. If this world becomes close and understandable from childhood, then the child will develop a need for knowledge of historical information, high cognitive activity, a desire to appreciate the merits of the cultures of other peoples, which, undoubtedly, will be an integral feature of his spiritual formation, social development.

Target: the formation of a creative personality through the study of different cultures, the characteristics of human interaction with nature in different cultures and the formation of the beginnings of tolerance, respect for foreign culture.


1. To acquaint children with the nature and climate of the country under study, to give an idea of ​​the beauty and diversity of flora and fauna.
2. To give an idea about the features of human life in these natural conditions, to acquaint with the appearance, housing, clothing and life of the representatives of the era under study, to acquaint with the traditional occupations of this people.
3. Promote the use of acquired knowledge in a variety of activities.
4. To teach to be kind to people around, to cultivate a culture of behavior in kindergarten, at home, at a party, on the street.
5. Familiarize yourself with various sources of information.
6. To form the intellectual and personal qualities of preschoolers in the course of mastering all educational areas ("Physical culture", "Health", "Safety", "Socialization", "Labor", "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Artistic creativity", "Music") along with tasks that reflect the specifics of each educational area, with mandatory psychological support.
7. Develop independence, communication skills, memory, thinking, creative imagination, musical abilities.

Estimated results of implementation:

1. The presence of initial ideas about various world cultures, the features of human interaction with nature in different countries.
2. Creation of a knowledge system of joint activities "child - teacher", "Child - parent".
3. Equipping the subject-developing environment.
4. The formation of a sustainable interest in various sources of information.
5. Interaction with society (visiting museums, exhibitions, libraries).
6. Introduction to the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral ones).

Stage 1: collection of information, materials for the implementation of the project

1. Statement of the problem, determination of the goal and objectives of consistent work.
2. Collection of information for the implementation of the project.
3. Determining the level of knowledge and ideas in this area, methods of pedagogical diagnostics..
4. Creation of a subject-developing environment that reflects the specifics of the ongoing work on multicultural education.
5. Studying the best practices of kindergartens of Russian Railways.
6. Selection of methodological literature and information material.

Pedagogical diagnostics

Levels of knowledge formation of children:

High level(13-15 points)

  • Knows the name of his city, the capital of Russia; names the continents and recognizes (by illustration) sights; knows and recognizes the flag, coat of arms of Russia, can explain the symbolism of the coat of arms; names the natural resources of his native land and other countries of the world,
  • conveys his attitude to the national characteristics of the culture and traditions of the peoples of other countries.

Average level(8-12 points)

  • Knows the name of the city, his home address, the coat of arms of Russia; finds it difficult to name the continents, sights (does this after the explanations of the adult); finds it difficult to name the flora and fauna of other countries, their national characteristics. Answers are given without reasoning and explanations, speech with a limited vocabulary, do not operate with subject terms.

Low level(5-7 points)

  • The child finds it difficult to answer the questions, knows the names of the city, cannot explain the symbolism of Russia, does not name the continents, does not know the peculiarities of the culture of different peoples. The help of the teacher and auxiliary questions do not have a significant impact on the answers, the children often remain silent. The speech is monosyllabic, with a limited vocabulary, do not use subject terms.

Stage II:

1. Mastering elementary basic knowledge about the culture of different peoples and the peculiarities of human interaction with nature in different countries.
2. Development of speech, outlook, memory, thinking, communicative qualities, creative imagination, musical abilities of pupils.
3. Involving parents in the upcoming creative work.

For work in the project "The World Around Us" - we have chosen lexical topics:

1. My neighborhood.
2. My city.
3. My homeland is Russia.
4. Plants of our forests.
5. Wild animals of Russia.
6. Our country on the world map.
7-9. Continents. Their similarities and differences.
10. Travel. Seas and oceans.
11. Plants of different continents.
12. Animals of hot countries.
13. Animals of cold countries.
14. Marine life.
15-18. countries and peoples of the world.
19. Schools of the peoples of the world.

Lexical theme: Continents. Their similarities and differences.


* Didactic game "Guess by description"
* Role-playing game "We are travelers"
* Role-playing game "On the way to India"
* Role-playing game "In the Northern Seas"


*Consideration of illustrative material.
*Study of reference and encyclopedic literature.
* Conversations about the continents.
*View videos about the continents.
*Viewing the cartoon "Around the World with Lyolik and Bolik".
* Viewing the m / f "Stories of the famous sailor."
*Working with an interactive whiteboard.
*Speech therapy classes of the cognitive cycle.
* GCD for each continent "Hello, new land!"

Development of speech and communication

*Compilation of stories from pictures.
* Compilation of stories from personal experience.
* Solving riddles.
*Communication with guests who have visited different continents (Eurasia: China, India, Czech Republic; Africa; Antarctica).
*Communicate with each other while drawing and making maps of the continents.
* Making riddles, word creation (writing by children).
* Sound analysis of words.

Reading fiction

*Semantic reading of the atlas "World and Man".
*Work with the atlas of the world.
* Acquaintance with the map of the continents.
* Reading stories "Geography for kids."
* Oleg Tikhomirov "How Columbus Discovered America" ​​magazine "Murzilka" 1 - 2005
* Oleg Tikhomirov "Discovery of Antarctica" magazine "Murzilka" 6 - 2002

productive activity

* Volumetric design "Map of the World".
*Collective application.
* Creation of an album of drawings "We travel the world."
*Together with parents creating a photo album "Travel yourself, travel with us!".
*Exhibition of drawings "Hello, new land!".
* Volumetric design "Animals of hot countries".

Artistic and aesthetic activity

*Audition: Song of Friends (Merry Travelers).
* Learning songs: "A song about six continents."
*Music. Chinese dragon game.

Physical culture and health work

*Learning the complex of morning exercises "On the Northern Seas".
*Finger gymnastics "Africa".
*Outdoor games.
*Physical leisure "In Antarctica" (methods of movement of animals of Antarctica).

life safety fundamentals

Conversation with children “Journey. How to behave on the road

Using the created algorithm ( Attachment 1), work on each country is unique.

Peoples of the World: China

*Descriptive story about China.
*Collage "China".
*Consideration of Chinese characters.
*Traditional Chinese tea.
*Sculpting Chinese dragons from salt dough.
*Coloring dragons from dough.
* Musical game "Chinese Dragon".

Peoples of the World: India

*Learning Indian national dance.
* Compilation of a collage "India".
* Retelling of the story “How the elephant saved the owner ».
*Activation of touch and smell when trying different varieties of Indian tea.
* Cognitive speech therapy lesson "National Indian costume".
*Video presentation of "Countries of the World".

Peoples of the World: America

*Handmade: Indian national headdress (North American Indian ornament embroidery on headbands).
*Watch the video "Undiscovered America".
*Collage "North America".
*Sports "American football".
*Learning the dance of Texas cowboys.
* Cognitive speech therapy lesson "Visiting the Indian people."

Stage III:

  • Generalization of experience, determination of the result of practical activity, development of an algorithm for subsequent pedagogical work in this area.
  • Presentation of project results to parents.

Productive results of the project

1. The subject-developing environment has been transformed:

- corners for multicultural education are equipped, which make it possible to carry out individual and subgroup work with pupils according to their interests and preferences;
- equipment and didactic material carries certain information about different world cultures, features of human interaction with nature in different countries;
- updated materials for parents.

2. As a result of the project implementation:

- children have formed the beginnings of tolerance and respect for a foreign culture;
– preschoolers have developed a steady interest in studying the cultures of different countries;
- pupils have developed creative, speech, musical, linguistic abilities;
– a positive respect for representatives of other nationalities has been formed;
- the ability to navigate in the information space has been formed;
- children enjoy playing role-playing games with multicultural themes, independently developing and complicating the plot of games;
- cooperation and co-creation as equal partners are traced, dialogic interaction is ensured, the possibility of self-realization of each.

3. The level of parental activity in organizing joint activities for the multicultural education of preschoolers has increased.

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THIS MYSTERIOUS WORLD Starry sky (northern hemisphere of the sky) ... 8-9 Solar system. . ............. 12 Sun and planets. ,………………... 13 Starry sky (southern hemisphere of the sky) ..10 11 Space exploration in the USSR .......... 14-15 Space exploration (international cooperation) ..... . 16 17 EARTH ON THE GLOBE AND ON THE MAP Earth is the planet on which we live....... 20 21 Daily movement of the Earth. . . ……..22 Movement of the Earth around the Sun…… 23 Globe. Physical map of the hemispheres ………………..24 25 Forms of the earth’s surface………. 26—27 Oceans of the Earth……………………… 28 29 Climate of the Earth……………………. 30 31 Natural zones of the Earth ……………. 32 33 THE EARTH AND ITS DIVISIONS Europe. . . …………………………. . 36-41 Asia............. 42-49 Africa. . ............ . . ... 50-57 North America………………… . 58, 60 62 South America.…………………. 59, 63 65 Australia and Oceania ………………… 66- 68 Antarctica ……………………………….. 69 Fauna of the oceans …………….. . 70 71 Table of contents……………………… ... 72
