Where and when can parents complain about the school. Can parents complain about the activities of the school cafeteria? Complaint about the work of the school cafeteria

Date of publication of the material: 16.02.2020

Last update: 02/16/2020

Medical examination of schoolchildren without parental consent, poor-quality food in the school cafeteria, rude attitude or nagging from the teacher. There can be many reasons for complaining about a school - both in the "elite" and in the simplest educational institution. How to protect the rights of your child? Read about it in our new article!

Note! If after reading the article you still have questions, you can always use the specialists of the CenterSoveta website.

When can I file a complaint against a school?

Many parents believe that it makes sense to complain about the school only in the most extreme cases - for example, if the teacher allows himself to “dissolve his hands”, and the director is engaged in outright extortion. However, this approach is not entirely correct, since you have the right to file a complaint against the school when any violation of your child's rights. Based on practice, we can say that most often complaints against a school are filed in the following cases:

  • The student is not allowed to attend or removed from the lesson;
  • School management forces students to do "socially useful work" (participation in subbotniks, cleaning the school grounds, etc.) without parental consent;
  • The teacher exceeds his authority (for example, arranges public proceedings against the student);
  • School students are forced to attend electives or extra classes
  • Schoolchildren are discriminated against (for example, girls were ordered to clean the office, and boys were allowed not to do this);
  • There is bullying in the classroom and teachers turn a blind eye to it.

Note! Before filing a complaint, we advise you to communicate with the parents of other students in the school. It is highly likely that your case is not an isolated one, but a collective complaint is a more powerful argument than an individual one.

Who can file a complaint against a school?

Only one of the legal representatives of the child can file a formal complaint against the school: a parent, adoptive parent or guardian.

How to write a complaint about a school?

Like any other written claim, a complaint against a school is made in free form and signed by the applicant. In the text of the complaint, it is recommended to indicate the following information:

  • The name of the state body or the full name of the official to whom the complaint is filed;
  • Your data (full name, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address);
  • The subject matter of the complaint;
  • Your demands (for example, to conduct an audit or punish those responsible);
  • The date the complaint was made;
  • List of attached documents.

Important! Try to make your appeal as correct as possible. The presence of threats, insults and obscene language may be grounds for refusal of consideration.

Where can I find a school complaint form?

Are you having difficulty filing a complaint against the school? You can download our template and use it as the basis for your own application!

Where to complain about the school?

If you have a need to file a complaint against the school where your child is studying, we recommend that you follow the following algorithm:

Step One: Contacting the School Principal

Any disputes and conflicts between teachers and parents are primarily considered by the headmaster.

In the event that the complaint to the school management did not bring results, parents should contact the authorized state bodies in the field of education.

Step Two: Contacting the Department of Education

One of the main tasks of the Department is to create conditions for the efficient operation of schools, ensuring the protection of the rights of participants in the educational process.

  • Address of the Department of Education in Moscow: st. Embankment Academician Tupolev, 15, bldg. four;
  • Schedule: from Monday to Friday - from 8.00 to 20.00, on Saturday - from 9.00 to 15.00;
  • Official site: dogm.mos.ru.

Step three: contact the prosecutor's office

As a legal representative of a child, you have the right to apply to the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation in order to supervise the implementation of laws and the observance of your rights and the rights of the child.

Sausages with mold and bread cutlets - it would seem that such finds certainly do not belong. However, just such products were found last year in the 127th school of Yekaterinburg. In addition to meat products, schoolchildren also had complaints about side dishes: pasta is cold and stuck together, and porridge does not fall even when you turn the plate over. Such stories, judging by the parent forums, are not uncommon. The same problems arise in kindergartens. So, in Nadym, in one of the kindergartens, children were fed “insufficiently thermally processed” cutlets, simply speaking, raw.

Why do educational institutions save on food?

Experts explain the low quality of lunches in schools by replacing products with cheaper ones: prices are rising, and suppliers are trying to save money. Instead of meat, fat is used, instead of fish, ground bones are put in cutlets, and not so much canteen workers as food suppliers are to blame for such a substitution.

What to do?

1. Talk to your child. Find out what kind of food he refuses to eat. Is it about their taste (not tasty / fresh / too salty), quantity (cutlet too small) or temperature (soup already cold)? The problem may also lie in the fact that the child does not have time to eat, because during recess at school he has to stand in a long line for food.

2. Discuss the issue with other parents. Do not forget to ask other moms and dads if they are satisfied with the food at school or kindergarten. The issue can be raised, for example, at a parent meeting or in a general group on social networks. The more people who speak, the better.

3. Try the children's lunch for yourself. After asking the child about how they feed in the school cafeteria, go there yourself. Every parent can do this. Buy a school lunch: study, try and draw conclusions. Better yet, back them up with photos. You can also taste food in kindergarten, you have no right to refuse it.

4. Tell the person in charge of nutrition. If after your “control sample” an unpleasant thing was found (the quality or quantity of the products raised questions), feel free to call the food manager or production manager. Explain to him what the matter is, refer to the norms prescribed in the law.

5. Report violations to the director or manager. If you come to the conclusion that the food was not prepared properly or in improper conditions, go to the director with a statement. In it, clearly state what is wrong with the menu or the organization of the dining room. As follows from Article 51 of the Law “On Education”, the educational institution is responsible for catering at the school, and the director is responsible for the institution itself. Moreover, it is in its power to fine unscrupulous suppliers if it is because of them that there are problems with food. The fact is that for the supply of low-quality products, the customer, according to the tender legislation, is obliged to apply penalties. Remind the principal or manager of this.

6. Write a complaint. If after talking with the director the situation has not changed, contact the territorial department of the Rospotrebnadzor Office with complaints. An important condition: the appeal should not be anonymous, otherwise it will simply not be considered. After that, sanitary doctors will conduct an inspection and establish whether there are indeed violations at the school or kindergarten. According to the Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”, food for children in educational institutions must meet certain quality standards. And the decision of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Russia gives more detailed regulation, which deals with both the rules for catering and the requirements for the conditions and technology for making food.

7. Contact other departments. In addition to Rospotrebnadzor, complaints can also be sent to the local education department. You can submit a claim either in person or by sending it by registered mail. If, for some reason, these departments ignored you, contact the deputy head of the administration for social issues. Do not forget to attach written waivers from the above departments. It is these papers that will confirm the inaction of responsible persons.

8. Go to court. Of course, the court and the prosecutor's office are the most serious measure, it is hardly worth going there just because of cold soup. However, in the case when there is a serious violation of the rights of the child, or the cooked food has caused serious harm to his health, it is necessary to apply to the court. Thus, you will not only punish the offender, but also be able to obtain compensation.

How to make a complaint

There is no single sample and standard form, but there are still some rules. Please enter the name of the person to whom the complaint is addressed. Be sure to include the name of the document (in this case, “Complaint”). Clearly describe the problem, indicate all the points of legislation that have been violated, provide evidence. State the requirements and terms in which you want to receive a response. End the complaint with a date and signature. The complaint is required in two copies: one is given to the addressee, the second remains with you. If it is given at a personal meeting, then a mark on the transfer is put on your copy. If the claim is sent by registered mail, you will receive a delivery notification.

In this situation, you should start by contacting the director or manager. Moreover, it is better to take a written appeal to a meeting with them in order to fix the refusal if something happens. In parallel, you can contact Rospotrebnadzor - one does not interfere with the other. After all, the specialists of the department arrange a sharp check, paying attention to what is prepared and how, take samples. It is possible that the products themselves will be of high quality, but the cooking process is broken. In addition to Rospotrebnadzor, there is also the Ministry of Education. It is better to contact the departments directly in specific cities. However, based on practice, both departments are more likely to respond to serious facts of violations, where harm was caused to health, that is, there is a fact of poisoning.

Mikhail Salkin

lawyer, head of the "Moscow Human Rights Center"

Schools in the Russian Federation are general educational organizations created for the upbringing and education of minors. Education is designed to give children special abilities, skills, knowledge and cultural development.

Do I need to go all the way (up to filing a lawsuit) if your rights have been violated?


The activities of school institutions are regulated by Federal Law No. 273 of 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, and the work of their employees must comply with the norms of job descriptions.

P.6. Art. 28 says that each school:

  1. Provides proper supervision and care for their pupils;
  2. Guarantees the safety of the educational process;
  3. Creates conditions aimed at preserving children's life and health;
  4. Observes not only children's rights, but also the rights of their parents;
  5. Responsible for the implementation of the school curriculum.

A complaint about the school, drawn up by the parents of the child, allows you to restore the violated children's rights and punish the guilty employee, up to his dismissal or criminal punishment.

When can parents complain about a school teacher?

In accordance with paragraph 21. Art. 2. Federal Law No. 273, teachers educate and educate children on the basis of an employment contract with the school.

Based on paragraph 2 of the teacher's job description, they are required to:

  • To form a personal culture in children;
  • Correct deviations in unhealthy children if taught in specialized schools;
  • Communicate with parents of children;
  • Responsible for the level of preparation of each pupil;
  • Protect the life and health of children in the learning process.

Carrying out children's education, the teacher is guided by the following knowledge: psychological, educational, pedagogical, hygiene standards.

Complaints to the Department of Educationon a teacher are legal if he:

  1. Negligently treat their duties (does not fulfill them);
  2. Violates the work schedule of the school;
  3. Does not comply with safety precautions, as a result of which the child is injured in the classroom;
  4. Incites national or religious hatred between children;
  5. Does not comply with the norms of ethics and morality;
  6. Does not take into account the health and psychophysical health of children in the educational process;
  7. Unreasonably underestimates the student's grades, or is biased towards him.

IMPORTANT: not only the mother or father has the right to write a complaint against the school, but also the guardian, the adoptive parent of the child, the trustee.

The powers of the school principal and his responsibility to the parents of students

If the violation of children's rights is related to poor nutrition at school, omissions in the medical field, lack of textbooks and other equipment, write a complaint directly to the school principal.

The director is an official who coordinates the entire educational process, as well as controls the activities of his employees.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of the director's job description, he personally:

  • Monitors the quality of work of school workers;
  • Provides accounting and replenishment of school inventory and textbooks;
  • Monitors the quality of food in the dining room;
  • Ensures the safety of work carried out at the lessons, sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • Provides prevention of morbidity and traumatism of minors;
  • Reports on the conditions of the educational process in his institution.

If conditions arise at the school that are dangerous for the life of students, the director is obliged to establish the educational process - clause 3.54. Instructions.

Failure to comply with these obligations gives parents the opportunity to complain about the director to the Ministry of Education. Physical or psychological abuse of students, immoral actions of the director are the reason for statements to the prosecutor's office.

Supervisory authorities controlling school institutions in Russia

Where to complain about the school, if the appeal to the director did not change the situation and violations in this institution continue to exist?

Parents may initially apply to a special school commission that prevents disagreements if:

  1. The child was not provided with primary health care at school;
  2. The institution does not comply with epidemiological standards;
  3. Disciplinary norms were applied to a disabled child (he was reprimanded or reprimanded);
  4. Your child is being abused by other children, and the teacher does not take action;
  5. During the medical examination, a parental agreement and other violations were not obtained.

School Complaintsalso consider the following instances:

  • prosecutors;
  • Department or Department of Education of your city;
  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • District or city department of education;
  • Ministry of Education.

Prosecutor's checks were caused by claims related to physical and moral abuse of students by teachers, insulting children, as well as monetary extortion of school workers.

Details of claims submitted against the school to the department

Regardless of the type of supervisory authority, you must indicate in your claim:

  1. Her address and name;
  2. Full initials of the parent and student, their address;
  3. Number and address of the school institution;
  4. Full initials of the teacher who violated children's rights;
  5. The duration of the violation;
  6. Copies of statements that were previously drawn up, but did not change the situation;
  7. A reference to the rule of law providing for the responsibility of the teacher;
  8. Parent's request to the supervisory authority.

The claim entails an unscheduled inspection of the school and the preparation of a prescription for its employees.

P. 7 Art. 93 of the Law on Education approved that the employee is subject to administrative punishment if the order of the inspector was not fulfilled within six months.

IMPORTANT: Re-orders must be completed within 90 days. The suppression of the violation must be documented by the school administration and sent to the supervisory authority.

Example of a Nurse Complaint Filed with a School Principal

On February 5, 2016, the director of the general school in Murmansk, O. S. Alfimtsev, received a statement from S. M. Dmitrieva.

On February 3, 2016, my daughter Alena Dmitrieva was vaccinated against whooping cough without my written consent and warning. On the evening of February 3, my daughter developed a high temperature and started to vomit severely. At night, the child was hospitalized in the Murmansk city hospital.

The stay of children in school is theirs being in a space of different relationships: actually educational, educational, various kinds of interpersonal (teacher-student and student-student relations) and intergroup interactions.

Almost all of these relationships are mediated by the teacher, requirements for personal and professional qualities which are enshrined in documents defining the activities of educational institutions. In addition, these relations should not violate the laws of the Russian Federation.

Based on this, at violation of the legal rights of the child, if the qualities of the person conducting the educational activities of the primary or senior classes do not match the qualification characteristics, it is possible to file complaints with various authorities.

To receive you need to positive effect from your inquiries, you need to know the appropriate recipients of complaints against the teacher, their possible content and the rules for filing.

Conversation with director

It depends on your conversation with the director, what will be the further actions on solving a school problem.

You should calmly and thoroughly state your claims, bring proof of non-pedagogical and illegal actions of the teacher (these can be notebooks and a diary of a child, a medical report, written testimonies of eyewitnesses of the conflict) up to an audio or video recording of the words and actions of the teacher).

It is necessary to demonstrate knowledge of the legislative and service-administrative framework, the rules and regulations of which, in your opinion, teacher violates. When talking with the director, it is necessary to emphasize that you are waiting for an immediate resolution of the issue and are ready to write complaints to higher education authorities if your appeal to the school administration does not give a positive effect.

At the same time, it will be productive to resolve the school conflict and further education of the child. "allied" relations with the principal of the school, it is important that he understands that it will be in the interests of the school that the issue you have approached him be resolved positively.

Sample letter of complaint to school principal against teacher.

school questions

What school issues are reflected in legislative acts and various administrative papers of the education system of the Russian Federation?


At school, as well as in Russian society in general, according to the Constitution, equal rights for all children without infringement on gender, national (ethnic) or religious grounds. For example, girls were required to decorate the classroom for the holiday, while boys were allowed not to do so.

Perhaps these are the most sensitive issues in modern society with its elements of religious revival. However, even the question of a student's religion cannot be raised within the walls of a school. Religious affiliation is private information.

This issue has become particularly acute in connection with the introduction of the school curriculum"Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics" and various elective courses in spiritual culture.

Documents and orders of the Ministry of Education categorically coercion is forbidden to the choice of a specific specification of the ORSE course or to attending a religiously colored elective.

Even a trip to the temple student's personal file. These issues are regulated by the Law on Education (the thesis about the secular nature of education) and the Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations.

The right to respect for the honor and dignity of the student

This is the right of a citizen of the Russian Federation, and it is laid down in the Constitution and in the law "On Education" is also defined student's right to respect. Any public proceedings against a student, discussion of his beliefs is a violation of these rights. In addition, in such situations, one can speak of applying moral harm and damage to mental status and health child.

Health protection

These are questions that are unequivocally defined in educational documents.

Data health threats child (for example, forcing children to attend general physical education classes, which are identified by the doctor in special groups), harming the health of the child require immediate investigation.

Attendance of electives and additional classes

Academic disciplines and the form of their implementation (mandatory or optional) are written in the curriculum of each educational program (general education, specialized, etc.). Compulsion to visit"optional" subject is, among other things, a violation of educational standards.

Attraction to work

With regard to the forced involvement of schoolchildren in the so-called socially useful work can refer to article 50 Law "On Education".

In which it is said: "The involvement of students, pupils of civil educational institutions without the consent of students, pupils and their parents (legal representatives) to work not provided for by the educational program is prohibited."

This article has good reason for your complaint, even if the teacher substantiates this “labor service” by the fact that the children themselves agreed to go to the subbotnik, clean up the territory, etc. Agreement parents should also contribute to this work.

Prohibition of admission to a lesson or removal from a lesson

Student right attend school classes defined by the general right of citizens of the Russian Federation to education and enshrined in the Constitution. When gross violations norms of social behavior, hooligan antics of a student, the teacher has the right to turn to the administration, call the police, etc.

Often in the definition legitimacy of their claims to students, the school administration refers to the Charter of the school. However, this Charter cannot contradict the Constitution and the law "On Education". If there are such contradictions in the content of the Charter, it is reason for applying to the Ministry of Education and the Prosecutor's Office.

Contacting the Department of Education

If the conversation with the director did not bring the desired effect for you, then the next step may be contacting the Department of Education(district, city). In general, this body can be contacted with all questions about the violation of the rights of students.

In your particular appeal, you state not only your claims against the teacher, describe the essence of the conflict, but also pay attention to the leadership of the Department of Education on school administration incompetence about the situation you describe. ignoring your requests from the director.

An absolute plus there will be an indication of those violations of the rights of schoolchildren and the norms and rules of the educational process, which are reflected in legislative documents and official papers regulating the work of schools.

This will give your complaint persuasiveness and justification.

Complaint to the regional ministries of the Russian Federation

You can file such a complaint in person, as well as by sending it by registered mail or by creating the necessary appeal on the site by pre-registration.

On the website of the Ministry of Education of Russia section of electronic appeals in this complaint, you also indicate, accordingly, the lack of response or the insufficiency and ineffectiveness of the actions that were taken by those authorities to which you already applied(school administration, department of education).

When applying electronically, please note that its volume is limited. 2 thousand characters.

Appeal to the prosecutor's office

The prosecutor's office should contact:

  • about facts of violence(psychological or physical) over a child committed at school;
  • if the local documents that are adopted in the institutions of education and which they are guided by in the commission of illegal, in your opinion, actions, do not comply with federal legislation;
  • when it comes to corruption.

Appeal to law enforcement agencies and court

Appeal to the court will allow in case proof of action in relation to the child who harmed his health, mental state, etc., to recover material compensation from the teacher (school).

Sample complaint about the actions of the teacher, the inaction of the school administration.

Drawing up an application

From the competent preparation of this appeal and its correct execution, it largely depends the result of his consideration.

How spelled a complaint:

In the upper right corner is indicated addressee of the complaint: the name of the institution where she is sent, the official and his full name. There you need to write who is the complaint from: your full name or last name with initials, the address where you live, your phone number.

  • Content.

    To contact the school administration, the department and the ministry of education in the center of the sheet spelled "complaint". In your complaint, avoiding excessive emotionality and mistakes, you describe essence of your claims to the teacher.

    If you, already after contacting the school (department), write to higher authorities in relation to them, then indicate insufficient effort educational institution (department of education) to resolve this school issue.

    It is also necessary to state, in addition to the desire to understand the situation, what measures do you propose to take in relation to a specific negligent teacher (for example, an administrative penalty).

    To apply to the prosecutor's office, law enforcement and judicial authorities write a "statement", it describes those actions of the teacher that break the law and harm student.

  • Attestation of appeal.

    The complaint (statement) is certified by your signature. It is also required to indicate the date writing an appeal.

  • Registration

    Consideration time

    The required time for consideration of a complaint to the educational authorities - no more than 30 days. To the prosecutor's office and the court - also within a month. To law enforcement agencies from 3 to 10 days. After this time, you may receive a response.

    As a conclusion

    What are the options and possibilities for handling a complaint against a teacher? At best, to resolve the problem situation will be sufficient visit to the principal of the school. With absence due attention your complaint must be addressed to the higher educational authorities and the prosecutor's office.

    If the actions of the teacher harm the health of your child and threaten his life, as well as in case of detection of corruption in the activities of the teacher, you should immediately contact to law enforcement and judicial authorities.

    The results of your appeals will depend not only on professionalism employees of those bodies to which you apply, but also from your perseverance and legal literacy.

    Samples of complaints (applications) to Rospotrebnadzor

    In case of violation of any consumer rights, the question arises of how to write, draw up a complaint in order to bring the violator to liability established by law. And in some cases, also stop any activity, for example, selling unusable (missing) food products. This section of the site contains samples of complaints (statements) to Rospotrebnadzor on the most common situations, as well as information on how to file a complaint or application to the supervisory authority.

    From the name of the statement, it is already clear that it is about a complaint against the store when buying low-quality food products and bringing to justice those responsible for this situation. To download the complaint form, click on the name of the complaint.

    A complaint is drawn up when the seller or contractor allowed measurement, underweight, shortfall or other fraud. This sample complaint to Rospotrebnadzor is applicable not only to food products, but also in the performance of contracts for the performance of work, such as a household contract for the manufacture of furniture or jewelry, or the provision of services, such as banking services.

    A complaint is made when the seller or contractor does not use cash registers, but its use is mandatory by law. The law clearly defines who and when may not use cash registers when accepting payments from consumers for goods and services. According to Article 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the use of cash registers in the implementation of cash settlements and (or) settlements using payment cards" * without issuing cashier's checks can carry out cash payments:

    – organizations and entrepreneurs providing services subject to the issuance of the relevant strict reporting forms (BSO)

    - UTII payers, subject to the issuance at the request of the buyer (client) of a document (sales receipt, receipt or other document confirming the receipt of funds for the relevant product (work, service). Note: UTII payers are the vast majority of individual entrepreneurs.

    - organizations and entrepreneurs selling specific goods, in specific places

    2. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs, in accordance with the procedure determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, may carry out cash settlements and (or) settlements using payment cards without the use of cash registers in the case of rendering services to the population, provided that they issue the appropriate strict reporting forms.
    The procedure for approving the form of strict reporting forms equated to cash receipts, as well as the procedure for their accounting, storage and destruction is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    2.1. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs that are taxpayers of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities that are not subject to paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article, when carrying out types of entrepreneurial activities established by paragraph 2 of Article 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, may make cash payments and (or) settlements using payment cards without the use of cash registers, subject to the issuance at the request of the buyer (client) of a document (sales receipt, receipt or other document confirming the receipt of funds for the relevant product (work, service). the moment of payment for goods (work, services) and must contain the following information:
    Title of the document;
    the serial number of the document, the date of its issue;
    name for the organization (last name, first name, patronymic - for an individual entrepreneur);
    taxpayer identification number assigned to the organization (individual entrepreneur) that issued (issued) the document;
    name and quantity of paid purchased goods (work performed, services rendered);
    the amount of payment made in cash and (or) using a payment card, in rubles;
    position, surname and initials of the person who issued the document, and his personal signature.

    3. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs, due to the specifics of their activities or the peculiarities of their location, may make cash settlements and (or) settlements using payment cards without the use of cash registers when carrying out the following activities:
    sales of newspapers and magazines, as well as related products in newspaper and magazine kiosks, provided that the share of sales of newspapers and magazines in their turnover is at least 50 percent and the range of related products is approved by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Accounting for trade revenue from the sale of newspapers and magazines and from the sale of related products is kept separately;
    sale of securities;
    sales of lottery tickets;
    sales of travel tickets and coupons for travel in urban public transport;
    providing meals to students and employees of general education schools and educational institutions equivalent to them during training sessions;
    trade in markets, fairs, exhibition complexes, as well as in other territories allotted for trade, with the exception of shops, pavilions, kiosks, tents, car shops, auto shops, motor vans, container-type premises and other similarly equipped and trade places (premises and vehicles, including trailers and semi-trailers) that ensure the display and safety of goods, open counters inside covered market premises when selling non-food products;
    small-scale retail trade in food and non-food products (with the exception of technically complex goods and food products that require certain storage and sale conditions) from handcarts, baskets, trays (including frames protected from atmospheric precipitation, covered with polyethylene film, canvas, tarpaulin);
    sales in passenger cars of trains of tea products in the range approved by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport;
    trade in kiosks with ice cream and soft drinks on tap;
    trade from tanks in beer, kvass, milk, vegetable oil, live fish, kerosene, vrazval vegetables and gourds;
    acceptance of glassware and waste materials from the population, with the exception of scrap metal;
    sale of objects of religious worship and religious literature, provision of services for conducting religious rites and ceremonies in religious buildings and structures and on territories related to them, in other places provided to religious organizations for these purposes, in institutions and enterprises of religious organizations registered in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
    sales at face value of state postage stamps (postage stamps and other signs applied to postal items) confirming payment for postal services.
    Organizations and individual entrepreneurs located in remote or hard-to-reach areas (with the exception of cities, regional centers, urban-type settlements) specified in the list approved by the state authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation can make cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards without the use of cash registers.
    Pharmacy organizations located in feldsher and feldsher-obstetric stations located in rural settlements, and separate subdivisions of medical organizations licensed for pharmaceutical activities (outpatient clinics, feldsher and feldsher-obstetric stations, centers (departments) of general medical (family) practice), located in rural settlements where there are no pharmacy organizations, can carry out cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards when selling medicines without the use of cash registers.

    From the title of the complaint it follows that it is about the purchase of goods, works or services without providing mandatory information. Article 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" establishes that information about goods (works, services) must contain:

    - the name of the technical regulation or other designation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and indicating the mandatory confirmation of the conformity of the goods;

    - information about the main consumer properties of goods (works, services), in relation to food products, information about the composition (including the name of food additives, biologically active additives used in the process of manufacturing food products, information about the presence of components in food products obtained using genetically - engineered organisms, if the content of these organisms in such a component is more than nine tenths of a percent), nutritional value, purpose, conditions for the use and storage of food products, methods for preparing ready-made meals, weight (volume), date and place manufacturing and packaging (packaging) of food products, as well as information on contraindications for their use in certain diseases. The list of goods (works, services), information about which should contain contraindications for their use in certain diseases, is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

    - the price in rubles and the conditions for the purchase of goods (works, services), including when granting a loan, the amount of the loan, the full amount payable by the consumer, and the repayment schedule for this amount;

    - information on the energy efficiency of goods in respect of which the requirement for the availability of such information is determined in accordance with the legislation on energy saving and on improving energy efficiency;

    — address (location), company name (name) of the manufacturer (executor, seller), authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer;

    - an indication of a specific person who will perform the work (provide a service), and information about him, if it matters, based on the nature of the work (service);

    The above information is brought to the attention of consumers in the technical documentation attached to the goods (works, services), on labels, markings or in another way accepted for certain types of goods (works, services). Information on the mandatory confirmation of conformity of goods shall be submitted in the manner and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation, and includes information on the number of the document confirming such conformity, on its validity period and on the organization that issued it.

    This complaint is drawn up and filed when there is a discrepancy between the goods, works or services with the provisions of technical regulations, GOSTs, TUs or samples in terms of quality, completeness or packaging. In other words, we are talking about the sale and purchase of low-quality goods.

    This complaint is relevant when identifying such cases of unsanitary conditions in residential and public premises, on transport, such as * lack of washing and disinfection of premises, transport; * violation of washing and disinfection of premises, transport, * other violations. Examples of such situations may be the lack of cleaning in the entrance of a residential building or the toilet of a public building, the presence of contamination of the seats or the entire cabin of a fixed-route taxi (minibus).

    If there are complaints about the quality of drinking water, then they must be stated in the complaint. Facts indicating a violation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for water are * unnatural color of water, * specific (sharp, specifically pronounced, etc.) smell, * the presence of impurities (sand, rust, etc.) and other violations .

    It is advisable to use this complaint when there are insects, rodents or animals in restaurants, cafes, canteens and other places of public catering; dirt in food preparation areas and service halls, as well as in case of other violations of sanitation in catering establishments.

    The fact of violation of sanitation in a nursery, kindergarten or school when raising or educating children is the basis for filing the above complaint. Specific violations can be expressed in

    * using furniture that is uncomfortable or has a specific smell,

    * the use of textbooks with small print,

    * the use of technical means entailing a violation of sanitary and epidemic requirements and

    The complaint or application shall be drawn up in two copies. You can file a complaint at the reception in Rospotrebnadzor. In this case, one copy of the complaint is transferred to the employee of Rospotrebnadzor, and on the second, which remains with the consumer, a note is made of receipt. You can also file a complaint by sending it by mail. This option is more convenient from an everyday point of view, but it lengthens the time for considering a complaint due to mail forwarding. In addition, it is currently possible to file a complaint through the official Internet resource of Rospotrebnadzor.

    Every person should know, as this is one of the ways to protect their rights and freedoms. About, how to write a complaint to any state body or organization, we will talk in this article.

    How to write a complaint to an organization or authorities?

    The legislator does not establish a special form for writing complaints, including when submitting them to state and municipal authorities. However, there are general requirements for the execution of papers of this kind, which should be observed when conducting business correspondence:

    1. When writing the text of the complaint, you can not use obscene expressions, jargon, as well as offensive expressions addressed to anyone. Appeals that do not meet the requirements may be left without consideration. In addition, they deprive the sender of the right to invoke pre-trial dispute resolution.
    2. The text should be concise and precise. You should not stretch your complaint over several sheets: describe the situation as concisely as possible, focusing only on those points that are really important for a correct assessment of what happened. Do not use in your speech expressions that can be interpreted in various ways, that have a figurative meaning, etc. All data essential for the consideration of the dispute must be reliable (dates, numbers, numbers, addresses, etc.).
    3. Be careful who you address your complaint to. This may be the head of a department, organization, or supervisory authority. Not only the promptness of the consideration of the complaint, but also the quality of such consideration depends on the correct choice of the addressee. In addition, do not forget that the unspoken principle of priority always and everywhere operates. This means that, for example, it is not necessary to immediately complain about the seller to the director of the distribution network - it will be enough to send a complaint to the administrator or store manager.
    4. Watch for literacy of speech, follow the rules of syntax and punctuation. Competent speech is one of the most important conditions for conducting business correspondence.

    Here are all the conditions that should be observed when writing a complaint. An example of that how to write a complaint, you will find below.

    Sample letter of complaint

    Director of Stroyka LLC

    Volgograd, st. Lenina, 1

    September 01, 2014, at about 15:00, into the fence of my house, located at the address: Volgograd, st. Lenina, d. 1, Alekseev Sergey Nikolaevich entered the car "Renault" with the state number "A123BV". Based on the documents presented to me by Alekseev S.N., this car belongs to your company, gr. Alekseev is her employee, and at the time of the collision he was in the performance of his labor duties.

    The traffic police officers called to the scene of the traffic accident drew up a protocol (a copy of which is attached). This protocol and a claim demanding compensation for the damage caused to me in the amount of 10 thousand rubles were sent by me to your address on September 05, 2014, which is confirmed by the receipt of dispatch and notification of delivery of the postal item dated September 10, 2014 (their copies are also attached).

    To date, I have not received any documents from you, the damage caused to me has not been compensated.

    In connection with the foregoing, I ask you to compensate for the damage caused as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will be forced to go to court with a statement of claim to enforce the recovery of the specified amount.

    Sincerely, Klyuev M.M.

    How to write a collective complaint and how is it different from a regular one?

    If the situation violates not only your personal rights, but also the rights of other citizens, such as neighbors, then all the victims can unite and write a collective complaint.

    A collective complaint is any complaint in which claims are made not by one, but by several people whose rights were violated within the framework of one (general) situation.

    The sample of writing a collective complaint is not much different from writing a regular (individual) complaint. The only difference is that a collective complaint should reflect the common opinion of all citizens on a single issue, as well as describe everything that happened to each of the victims.

    After writing the claim, all persons indicated in the collective complaint must put personal signatures, which will act as confirmation of their agreement with the circumstances set out in the complaint.

    Collective Complaint Sample:

    "The head of the management company

    Moscow, st. Lenina d. 1 apt. one;

    Moscow, st. Lenina d. 1 apt. 2;

    Moscow, st. Lenina d. 1 apt. 3.

    We, the undersigned, ask you to take measures to carry out repair work in the first entrance of building No. 1 on Lenin Street.

    Despite the regular payment for the services provided by your management company (for which there are relevant receipts), and the existence of an agreement concluded between us, providing for the maintenance of common areas and major / current repairs, the entrance is in disrepair: there are no railings on the flights of stairs , the walls are not painted, the windows are broken, the front door is broken.

    We consider all of the above a violation of our rights and ask you to carry out the necessary repairs as soon as possible.

    If your side does not take measures for pre-trial settlement of the dispute, we will be forced to go to court in order to protect our rights and legitimate interests. If you apply to the courts, you will also be charged a state fee and the cost of the services of our representative in court.

    Sincerely, V.V. Kalugin

    What else do you need to know about complaints?

    The most important thing is that you can't forget about it! - so do not forget to keep a second copy of the complaint. It also needs to be said here that if you file a complaint personally, that is, you independently take it to the reception of an official or organization, then a mark should be left on your copy about when and who accepted your claim.

    This is necessary for two reasons: firstly, the deadline for a response will be counted from this date; secondly, it serves as a direct confirmation of the fact that the addressee received the claim.

    If you are sending a claim by mail, then you must keep a receipt for sending a letter or wait until you receive a notification of its delivery.

    The next thing that is important to know is the deadline for responding to a claim. It depends on who you are filing a complaint with and for what violation. If the claim is subject to consumer protection law (for example, if you bought a low-quality product and send a claim to the seller), then the time limit for responding to a claim, in accordance with applicable law, will be 10 days. If you apply to state authorities or local governments, then the federal law “On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation” comes into effect, according to which a response must be given no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the appeal.

    In the case when a special deadline for responding to a claim is not established, you can set any that you consider reasonable and acceptable. As a rule, a response to a claim is asked to be given within 10 days from the date of its receipt.

    The answer should contain information not only about which option for resolving the dispute the counterparty offers, but also about the time period for which he is ready to implement his proposal (or refusal to fulfill the requirements of the victim and justification of the reasons for such refusal).

    Welcome Complain! Today we are once again plowing through the expanses of non-standard copywriting, and this time we are considering how to write complaints to get the maximum effect. Complaints, in general, have magical properties and are often used to manipulate people. As in any business, writing complaints has its own secrets, features and subtle points, and we will analyze all of them in detail today.

    For many, writing a complaint may seem like the exhaustion of the last drop in the cup of patience, however, in fact, this is not entirely true. Complaining is a way to get what you want. In other words, it is a means to an end.

    Before filing a complaint

    Before writing a complaint, remember that any of your actions have consequences, and complaints, as a rule, are not anonymous. If complaining is the lesser of the evils, or the game is worth the candle, then go ahead, but if there are other options, it's best to consider them all.

    For example, the threat of writing a complaint often has a much greater impact than the fact of writing it. This is especially true for various institutions or service delivery points where a complaint book is mandatory. Administrators over this book are shaking like Koschei over his needle. This is explained by the fact that if someone decides to write a complaint in it, and then an inspection comes, say, from the state control, then the institution will have problems, and considerable ones at that. That is why a complaint is a universal tool for manipulation, even when it has not yet been written.

    Writing a Complaint: Key Points

    We pass from theory to practice. First of all, you need to remember that, depending on how the complaint is written, it can have either a strong or a weak effect. A badly written complaint can even harm you. So here are the things to pay attention to...

    1. Presentation style

    All complaints are written exclusively in an official business style, which is characterized by its inherent features. You can learn more about these features from the article “Formal business style. Examples and principles of creating business texts.

    2. Lack of emotion

    If you are going to write a complaint, remember that in this case the first rule is the same as in writing nasty things: emotions should not slip through the text. Only cold and beating text from the shoulder. More than half of the people who write complaints pour all their anger, all their worries and upset feelings into them. Emotions here are not only inappropriate, but can also hurt.

    One of my friends, at one time, bought a low-quality product in a store, and demanded a refund. The store administrator made her look like a complete fool and flatly refused to compensate the amount of money. The woman wrote a tearful complaint and left, however, judging by her story and what was written in the complaint, the administrator turned it into a misunderstanding and got out, telling the management that a hysterical woman came to the store, who simply felt sorry for the money for a quality product. I suppose that the administrator enthusiastically told that she defended, first of all, the interests of the store, she was polite and tactful with the customer, but the woman could not be appeased. In a word, the case was hushed up, and the sediment remained.

    Then I gave a few recommendations to my friend and, since it was summer in the yard, when food deteriorates very quickly, the opportunity to recoup presented itself pretty soon. The woman wrote a complaint harshly, coldly, operating only on facts and in accordance with the recommendations set out in this article.

    She then enthusiastically told me how the attitude of the administrator towards her had changed dramatically. Anger and arrogance instantly evaporated, the store employee ran in front of her like an obliging dog and tearfully asked to withdraw the complaint, and it was really great.

    Of course, the secret of such metamorphoses lies in the complaint itself, an example of which you will find at the end of the article.

    3. Only arguments and facts

    The more arguments in the complaint, the stronger its effect. No one needs a large amount of water on jelly and greatly annoys those who rake these complaints every day in dozens.

    Sitting down to write a complaint, remember that it will be read by a person who does not care about your problems from a high bell tower. This is the default. That is why it is extremely important to show with objective arguments that your complaint is not just a tearful piece of paper with scribbles. Show that it has real weight. To do this, you need to present dry arguments, you can even push them in the direction you need.

    For example, you can take into service the following revolutions:

    • That leads to…
    • What discredits...
    • What negatively impacts...
    • What poses a threat to...

    4. Effective volume

    When you sit down to write a complaint, remember that the longer it will be, the less likely it will be read in its entirety. At best, it will simply be viewed. Therefore, try to convey the main facts in the most concise form.

    At the same time, a too short complaint without objective justification will not have any effect either. That is why neither in the first nor in the second case should one rush to extremes.

    5. Clearly stated requirements

    Any complaint must contain specific requirements. Even if you just bring to the attention of the store management about the fact of a boorish attitude towards you on the part of the cashier, and do not make any special demands, then in such a case there is a universal requirement that is suitable for writing 80% of complaints:

    Please take appropriate action.

    Important note: requirements in a complaint always begin with the word "Please".

    No matter to whom and against whom you have to write a complaint, remember that the final decision is ultimately made by the person. But the bureaucracy is built in such a way that in most instances a decision is not made just like that, it must be based on certain normative acts.

    Now imagine two situations:

    1. You are just making a complaint.
    2. You are writing a complaint referring to paragraphs, for example, of the Code of Administrative Offenses

    In the first case, the responsible person who reads your complaint must fit your arguments to the letter of the law. To do this, he needs to think, maybe even look into the directory, if there is no laziness, there will be no problems at home, there will be a working mood, etc. In general, you got the idea.

    In the second case, you do all the work yourself. Those. the responsible person only has to sign the resolution, because everything is logical, everything is according to the law, and this removes any responsibility from him. This is one of those subtle nuances.

    7. Collective complaint

    Remember, in the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession" the hero of Vladimir Etush threatened to file a collective complaint? In fact, there is one very strong truth in this joke. The fact is that the more people complain, the more weight the complaint has and the stronger the resonance it causes.

    Compare: it is one thing when a certain Vasya Pupkin submits a complaint to the housing and communal services, and quite another when the residents of the whole house write a complaint. The advantage of a collective complaint is that you can write it yourself, and your friends, acquaintances, neighbors, etc. can subscribe to it.

    8. Small nuances

    Make sure that there are no grammatical and punctuation errors in your complaint. They greatly spoil the impression and reduce its entire effect to nothing.

    An example of a written complaint

    Finally, let's look at an example of a complaint. Let's take a typical situation in a store: you were sold low-quality goods, you got rude, and you decided to show everyone Kuzka's mother, showing all your epistolary talent in a book of comments and suggestions (it is also called a complaint book). How it might look in practice...

    I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, report the fact of flagrant disgrace and cynical attitude towards me on the part of the senior administrator of the duty store No. 39 in Primerovsk Alexandrova A.A. and ask you to take appropriate measures to prevent such situations in the future.

    On August 10, I bought a semi-finished chicken product produced by ODO "Kurochka", packaged by employees of the duty store No. 39 in Primerovsk. Specified packing date: August 10. However, upon opening the package, it turned out that the semi-finished product was unfit for consumption, since it smelled of rot and had a characteristic brown color with peeling inside the piece of meat.

    To my demands to return the money for a low-quality product, the senior administrator Aleksandrova A.A. with particular cynicism, she began to draw the attention of surrounding buyers to my flaws, refused to compensate me for the specified amount, thereby violating not only paragraphs 1.6 of Article 12 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, but also elementary ethical and moral norms. Such an attitude discredits the management of the store in the eyes of customers and is unacceptable.

    I ask you to accept in relation to Alexandrova A.A. appropriate measures to avoid the occurrence of similar situations in the future and notify me of the decision by the specified phone number.

    If you have been offended or your rights are infringed upon, then the universal way out is write a complaint, and do it right. This article provides the main recommendations and an example of a complaint. However, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments or contact me personally.

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    Daniil Shardakov

    Daniil Shardakov— Internet marketer and copywriter with 8 years of experience. Practitioner. Lecturer at the International IT Academy. Director of the Business Communications Laboratory. Fanatical. A skeptic by nature and constantly looking for a scientific justification for everything that happens. Believes only figures and facts. Married. She loves bouts of enthusiasm and hates routine, monotony and boredom.

    At the same time, a quantitative assessment of the content of vitamins in the daily diet is necessarily carried out. In DO, year-round artificial C-vitaminization of ready meals is carried out (at the rate for children 1-3 years old - 35 mg, for children 3-6 years old - 50.0 mg per serving) or their enrichment with vitamin-mineral complexes specially designed for this purpose (in accordance with the instructions and state registration certificate) at the rate of 50-75% of the daily requirement for vitamins in one serving of the drink, or the use of multivitamin preparations for special purposes (children), in in accordance with the instructions for use. Vitamin preparations are introduced into the third dish (compote, jelly, etc.) after it has been cooled to a temperature of 15°C (for compote) and 35°C (for jelly) immediately before sale. Vitaminized dishes are not heated. 16.15.

    Where to complain about food at school or kindergarten?

    If this does not help or the violation is serious, you can contact:

    • RONO;
    • Department of Education;
    • District Department of Education;
    • Ministry of Education;
    • About poor-quality food and unsanitary conditions - to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

    If the violations concern not only the educational process, but also extortion at school, encroachments on the mental and physical health of children, it is worth writing a statement to:

    • Police;
    • Prosecutor's Office;

    Attention In Moscow, a special center for combating illegal extortions has been created at the school of the Department of Education, you can contact them by phone 366-81-94 (on weekdays, from 10.00 to 17.00) or the site mosedu.ru. Helpline number of the Department of Education in Moscow 366-70-94.

    Where and when can parents complain about the school

    When organizing the nutrition of children who are being treated in sanatorium-and-spa institutions of various profiles (except for tuberculosis), one should be guided by Table 2 of Appendix 6 of these sanitary rules. Deviations from the calculated daily calorie content and the content of basic nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) and calorie content should not exceed 10%, micronutrients 15%.16.3. The calculation of nutrition for children in the first year of life is carried out based on the need for basic substances per 1 kg of body weight, then at least 1 time per month for children with manifestations of malnutrition, premature babies - at least 1 time in 10 days. 16.4.
    For children, starting from the age of 9 months, it is optimal to eat at intervals of no more than 4 hours. The diet of children for individual meals, depending on their time spent in preschool organizations, is presented in Table 5.

    Where to complain about the school and the principal?

    Fats, g6.5*6*5.5*40476014 Carbohydrates, g13*13*13*174203261* The needs for children of the first year of life in energy, fats, carbohydrates are given in terms of g/kg of body weight.** - needs for children of the first years of life who are bottle-fed. In specialized preschool organizations and groups for children with chronic diseases (food allergies, frequently ill children), children's nutrition should be organized in accordance with the principles of therapeutic and preventive nutrition for children with appropriate pathologies based on appropriate nutritional standards and menu. When organizing children's nutrition and drawing up an approximate two-week menu, it is necessary to be guided by the recommended average daily set of food products of these sanitary rules (Appendix 6, Table 1), taking into account the age of children and the time they spend in a preschool organization.

    School Complaint

    Other products (cottage cheese, fish, cheese, eggs and others) - 2-3 times a week. Within two weeks, the child must receive all products in full in accordance with established standards in accordance with Appendix 6 of these sanitary rules. 16.12. In the absence of any products, in order to ensure a complete balanced diet, it is allowed to replace them with products of equal composition in accordance with the product replacement table (Appendix 10 of these sanitary rules). In the absence of fresh vegetables and fruits, juices, freshly frozen vegetables and fruit.16.13.

    Where to complain about food at school or kindergarten?


    Each parent is able to independently prepare such a document as a complaint against the school. Our recommendations will help to significantly facilitate this process, to achieve not a formal consideration of the complaint, but the adoption of real measures.

    A complaint against a school may be related to a violation of the educational process, sanitary and epidemiological standards, the educational process, the organization of measures to protect the health and life of children, nutrition. The applicant should also consider the possibility of simultaneously filing a complaint with the prosecutor's office, with Rospotrebnadzor.
    Before submitting the document, you should talk with the director and demand that appropriate measures be taken (the director should also be contacted in case of claims against an individual teacher). And remember that a collective complaint against the school will draw closer attention to the facts set out in the document.

    Complaint about food in kindergarten


    Before feeding children, baby food products (mixtures) are heated in a water bath (water temperature +50°C) for 5 minutes or in an electric heater for baby food to a temperature of +37°C.16.7.5. Preparation of foodstuffs for feeding children of the first year of life (breeding dry mixes, instant cereals, warming up complementary foods) should be organized in the pantry of the group room.

    The pantry should be equipped with a refrigerator and devices for heating baby food. 16.7.6. For breastfeeding children, a feeding room (expressing breast milk) should be provided, equipped with a sink, a table for changing the baby and a place for feeding (chair, armchair). 16.8.

    Complaint against the school: sample and rules for filing

    I visit the canteen weekly, every Friday, this week was Tuesday. What they cook there, an adult unpretentious person can eat, I watch how children eat, children eat very badly, my child refused to eat, said that they cook not tasty and always cold food.

    Sanitary control was on Friday last week. Canteen workers say that it is difficult to please all children, some like it, some do not.

    They said about cold food that for their part they do everything on time, set the tables in accordance with the time, and blame the teachers for bringing the children in late, when everything has already cooled down. There are parents to whom children complain that shells and particles of polyethylene come across in food.

    403 forbidden

    Note! If after reading the article you still have questions, you can always use the free consultation of the CenterSoveta website specialists. When can I file a complaint against a school? Many parents believe that it makes sense to complain about the school only in the most extreme cases - for example, if the teacher allows himself to “dissolve his hands”, and the director is engaged in outright extortion. However, this approach is not entirely correct, since you have the right to file a complaint against the school for any violation of your child's rights.

    In case of violation of the cooking technology, as well as in case of unavailability, the dish is allowed to be served only after the identified culinary shortcomings are eliminated. 16.18. Immediately after cooking, a daily sample of the finished product is taken.

    The daily sample is taken in volume: portioned dishes - in full; cold appetizers, first courses, side dishes, third and other courses - at least 100 g. The sample is taken with sterile or boiled spoons into a sterile or boiled glass dish with tight-fitting lids (garnishes and salads - in a separate dish) and stored for at least 48 hours at a temperature of +2 - +6 ° C in a separate refrigerator or in a specially designated place in the refrigerator for dairy products, gastronomy. Dishes with samples are labeled with the indication of the meal and the date of sampling.
