What is the best elementary school curriculum? School of Russia or Perspective? Perspective or school of the 21st century which is better

"Primary School XXI century"

The development of the student's personality, the formation of general abilities and erudition in accordance with the individual capabilities and characteristics of each. 2. Formation of an elementary culture of activity, mastery of the main components of educational activity. 3. Formation of readiness for self-education.

Ensure the spiritual and moral development and education of students;

Providing conditions for the individual development of all students; take into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students;

To carry out the formation of the foundations of the ability to learn and the ability to organize their activities - the ability to accept, maintain goals and follow them in educational activities, plan their activities, monitor and evaluate them, interact with the teacher and peers in the educational process

Teaching literacy and reading.

- Maths . Authors: Rudnitskaya V.N. and etc.

- The world. Authors: Vinogradova N.F. and etc.

- Technology. Author Lutseva E.A.

- Music. Authors: Usacheva V.O., Shkolyar L.V.

- Art. Authors: Savenkova L.G., Ermolinskaya E.A.

Programs and textbooks in all subjects of the curriculum of primary general education, study books for them, teaching aids, didactic materials (including electronic educational resources), programs and manuals for extracurricular activities. An integral part of the "Primary School of the XXI century" system arepublications that provide a procedure for assessing the achievement of planned results and pedagogical diagnostics.

Accompanied by pedagogical diagnostics (obtaining objective data on the progress of the student in the formation of actions; a qualitative assessment of the assimilation of the studied material by students, including their ability to apply the mastered methods of action in standard and non-standard situations). An integrated approach is implemented in the learning process (environmental conformity, that is,meeting the needs of children of this age ). · In the course of training, a differentiated approach is implemented.Targeted pedagogical assistance and support for a student in a multi-level environment class. EMC "Primary school of the XXI century" implements in the educational process the right of the child to their individuality (Opportunity to learn at your own pace ). Departure from focusing on the average student. · In the learning process, various forms of organization of the educational process (primarily group) are widely used. ·Purposeful use modeling activity , · game system with rules who develop the qualities necessary for teaching.Role-playing game introduced as a mandatory component of lessons around the world, for example. · development of control and evaluation activities of students (heading "Test yourself", tasks "Compare your answer with the text", "Find mistakes", etc.).· The activity of the student is not aimed at obtaining a result - an answer, but at the process of solving . Provides a transition from the priority of reproductive activity to the priority of search and research. ·The problematic nature of the presentation of the material . · Collaboration between student and teacher when using the kit helps to hear and understand each other.Constant dialogue gives rise to cooperation. The authors use the possibilities of each subject to develop the skills of educational activities: to understand and solve the educational problem; analyze, compare and classify; establish causal relationships and dependencies, as well as the qualities and characteristics of objects (objects); work with models exercise control and self-control, assessment and self-assessment.

The focus of the learning process, primarily on the formation of the most important neoplasm of this age period in younger students - the ability to learn isthe basis for integrating two traditionally different subjects: literacy (reading and writing) and mathematics into a single course "Diploma » (the first half of the first year of study). Children learn to learn and at the same time acquire knowledge in the field of their native language and mathematics. The literacy teaching methodology is based on the age characteristics of six-year-old first-graders and is specifically focused on the intensive development of visual-figurative thinking through the construction and use of spatial models, as well as the gradual transition of children from play activities to the leading activity of a younger student - educational. This is what explainslong preparatory period providing, among other things, a soft adaptation of children to schooling. The most important principle of constructing the "Literacy" course is a differentiated approach to learning, which is implemented using tasks of different levels of complexity, aimed at solving the same learning problems, includingintroduction to the textbook from the very beginning of teaching interesting texts on the material of the full alphabet for well-read children . Both teaching literacy and teaching mathematics in the course "Literacy" is an organic part of the continuous linguistic and mathematical education of students.Significant place occupied by phonemic (sound) analysis , the sequence of introducing letters is dictated by the focus of the course on the formation of a scientific approach to language as a system of signs among younger students, on introducing children to language theory and solving various linguistic problems that provide propaedeutics of their future spelling literacy.

Novelty of approaches to building a course"Russian language" lies in the fact that it is the first stage of continuous linguistic education of students:educational material is presented not concentrically, but linearly , realizing a scientific approach to the analysis of linguistic phenomena.

The course "Russian language" consists of three certainly interconnected, but independentblocks : "How our language works" (acquaintance with basic linguistic knowledge),"Spelling" (formation of a competent letter) and"The development of speech" ( speech development of students). These blocks are at the same time structural units of the textbook and represent a combination of lessons that implement a specific learning goal.

The leading idea of ​​"Literary Listening", which is part of the course "Literary reading, is the deepening of the process of perception of a work of art, support and development of interest in reading at a time when the student himself still does not possess the skill of independent reading (1 year of study). Based on this, the lessons of literary listening solve not so much didactic tasks related to the detailed “preparation” of the text, but rather develop the value judgments of first-graders and the ability to analyze the emotional states caused by listening to a particular work. The design of the course "Literary Reading" was subject to a priority task - deepening interest in reading and literature, the student's awareness of the importance of reading activity as a means of successful learning and human development, the formationability to work with works of different genres, types and styles. Based on this, updating the content of the course was due toexpanding the range of classical and contemporary works , in the literature analysis of which special attention was paid tocomparison of works of different authors, genres and subjects , aas well as modeling activities of students.

Course content update "Mathematicians » wentby enriching it with information from various mathematical disciplines (arithmetic, algebra, geometry, logic) with the aim of establishing the prospects for mathematical education and the formation of readiness for the systematic study of algebra and geometry in the basic school. The principle of implementing the activity approach waspresentation of discussion material, when students in the process of educational dialogue determine the method of constructing a learning task, they discuss the algorithm for solving it. This approach makes it possible to significantly increase the level of mathematical education of schoolchildren, develop their thinking and foster a steady interest in mathematics.

Distinctive feature course designThe world" - its integrated and culturological nature, which allows taking into account the peculiarities of the perception of the surrounding world by the younger student, developing their common culture, erudition, and creative abilities. The basis for the integration of natural history and social science knowledge was the consideration of the place and role of man in nature and society, and the leading idea for updating the content was the selection of the most relevant knowledge for the child, which makes it possible to form his readiness for various interactions with the outside world.In the teaching methodology, search and creative activity prevails: children are placed in conditions where they can independently acquire knowledge.

Pedagogical landmarks: Personal development .

ATthe field of personal UUD among graduatesthe internal position of the student, adequate motivation for educational activities, including educational and cognitive motives, orientation towards moral standards and their implementation will be formed.

Self-education and self-organization

ATRegulatory ECMgraduates will master all types of educational activities aimed at organizing their work in an educational institution and outside it, including the ability to accept and maintain the educational goal and task, plan its implementation (including internally),control and evaluate your actions to make appropriate adjustments to their implementation.

Research culture

ATsphere of cognitive UUDgraduates will learnreceive and analyze messages and their most important components - texts, use sign_-symbolic means, includingmaster the action of modeling , as well as a wide range of logical actions and operations, including general methods for solving problems.

Communication culture

ATthe field of communicative UUDgraduates will acquire the ability to take into account the position of the interlocutor (partner), organize and implement cooperation and cooperation with the teacher and peers, adequately perceive and transmit information, display the subject content and conditions of activity in messages, the most important components of which are texts.

The whole program is quite intense. For many complex, in my subjective opinion, topics, only 1 lesson is allocated. The introduction of pedagogical diagnostics throughout the 4 primary grades allows you to see the dynamics of the development of schoolchildren in their studies, respond in time and help, if necessary.

In December 2012, Russian legislation adopted the Federal Law. It is considered the main regulatory legal act in the field of education.

General education in Russia

Education in our country is aimed at personal development. And also in the learning process, the child must learn the basic knowledge, skills and abilities that will be useful to him in the future for adaptation among people and the right choice of profession.

Stages of general education:

  • preschool;
  • general primary (grades 1-4);
  • basic general (grades 5-9);
  • general secondary (grades 10-11).

Thus, it becomes clear that education in Russia is divided into 2 types:

  • preschool - children receive it in kindergartens and schools;
  • school - from 1st to 11th grade, children study in educational institutions, schools, lyceums, gymnasiums.

Many children, coming to grade 1, begin to study according to the educational program "Perspective Primary School". Reviews about it are different, teachers and parents discuss the program in various forums.

The main provisions of the program include all the requirements of state standards for primary general education. The system-active approach to the development of the child's personality became the basis.

Promising Elementary School Program in Grade 1

Reviews of parents and teachers in elementary school about the program "Perspective" are diverse, but in order to understand its whole essence, you need to get to know it in more detail.

What the program is learning:

  • philology;
  • mathematics;
  • informatics;
  • social science;
  • art;
  • music.

The child, studying the program, as a whole can form his own opinion about the environment and get a complete scientific picture of the world.
The program "Perspective" has a number of textbooks. Among them:

  • Russian language - alphabet;
  • literary reading;
  • maths;
  • informatics and ICT;
  • the world;
  • foundations of religious cultures and secular ethics;
  • art;
  • music;
  • technology;
  • English language.

All textbooks included in the "Perspective Primary School" curriculum have been certified for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard. And they were recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science for use in teaching children in educational institutions.

The main objective of the entire program "Perspective Primary School" is the full development of the child based on the support of teachers of his individual characteristics. At the same time, the program is designed to ensure that each student will be able to visit different roles. Thus, at one time he will be a student, at another - a teacher, and at certain moments - an organizer of the educational process.

Like any program, the "Promising Elementary School" has its own principles in teaching children. The main ones are:

  • the development of each individual child must be continuous;
  • in any situation, the child must formulate a holistic picture of the world;
  • the teacher must take into account the characteristics of each student;
  • the teacher protects and strengthens the physical and mental condition of the child;
  • a student for education should receive a good example.

Main properties of the program "Perspective"

  1. Completeness - at the time of learning, the child learns to find data from different sources. Such as a textbook, a reference book, the simplest equipment. Children develop business communication skills, as the program has developed joint tasks, working in pairs, solving problems in small and large teams. The teacher, while explaining new material, uses several points of view on one task, this helps the child to consider the situation from different angles. The textbooks have the main characters that help children learn to perceive information while playing.
  2. Instrumentation - specially developed mechanisms for children that help to put into practice the acquired knowledge. It was made so that the child could, without outside help, look for the necessary information not only in the textbook and dictionaries, but also beyond them, in various teaching aids.
  3. Interactivity - each textbook has its own Internet address, thanks to which the student can exchange letters with the heroes of the textbooks. This program is mainly used in schools where computers are widely used.
  4. Integration - the program is designed so that the student can get a general picture of the world. For example, in the classroom of the world around the child will be able to obtain the necessary knowledge from different areas. Such as natural science, social science, geography, astronomy, life safety. And also the child receives an integrated course at the lessons of literary reading, since there the teaching of language, literature and art is included in the basis of education.

The main features of the program "Perspective"

For teachers, the developed methodological manuals have become great helpers, as lesson plans are detailed in them. Most parents and teachers are satisfied with the program.


  • in addition to textbooks for each subject, an anthology, a workbook, an additional teaching aid for the teacher are attached;
  • The curriculum for students consists of two parts. In the first part, the teacher is offered theoretical classes, while the second part helps the teacher to build a lesson plan separately for each lesson. And also in the methodological manual there are answers to all the questions that are asked in the textbook.

It should be understood that education in primary school is a very important process in which the child builds the foundation for all subsequent education. The curriculum "Perspective Primary School", reviews confirm this, has many positive aspects. The child is quite interested in getting new knowledge.

How do the authors see the future of their program?

When developing the program, the authors tried to include in it all the key points that will help the child in later life. After all, just in elementary school, children must learn to comprehend the correctness of their actions, to get a more complete picture of the world around them.

In our time, virtually all school programs are aimed at personal development. "Perspective" was no exception. Therefore, as teachers who have encountered work on this program say, there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is that the child is engaged not only at school, but also at home.

Is it worth it to study this system?

Whether or not to go to school with the Promising Primary School program is up to each parent to decide for themselves. In any case, the child must receive primary education.

Teachers try not to leave negative feedback about the Promising Elementary School program, as they will continue to work with it. But the opinions of parents are ambiguous, some like it, some do not.

What you need to know about the Perspective program:

  • the program is designed very close to traditional;
  • should help the child to become independent;
  • parents will not be able to relax, throughout the entire education the child will need their help.

A little about "Promising Primary School"

If a student is enrolled in an elementary school under the Perspective program, feedback for parents very often becomes a powerful argument to think about whether he will be able to understand all aspects of education.

The entire program is one large system of interconnected subroutines. At the same time, each discipline is a separate link and is responsible for a certain direction in activity. For many parents, reviews of the "Primary School Perspective" curriculum help to correctly assess their abilities and the abilities of their child.

  • the child must be ready to develop independently;
  • the child must comprehend and understand the basic values ​​in life;
  • It is necessary to motivate the child to learn and learn.

For many parents, these goals seem out of place and quite difficult for first graders. That is why reviews of the training program "Perspective" (elementary school) are far from unambiguous. Some people like textbooks and the material presented in them, some do not. But this is true for all tutorials. Each of them has its pros and cons, and the task of parents is to understand what is more.

If we consider the program1 "Perspective Primary School", Grade 1, the feedback from the authors will help to understand the principles on which the entire educational process is built. What are the creators hoping for?

  1. Personal development in this program is given the most attention. The child must understand which of the human values ​​should be above all.
  2. Education of patriotism. From childhood, a child must be hardworking, respecting human rights and freedoms, showing love for others, nature, family, and the Motherland.
  3. Unification of cultural and educational process. Protection of national culture and understanding of the significance of all cultures, different nations for the entire state as a whole.
  4. Self-realization of personality. The child should be able to develop independently and participate in various creative tasks.
  5. Formation of the correct point of view and a general picture of the world.
  6. One of the main goals is to help the child learn to live in society with other people.

From the feedback on the "Primary School Perspective" program, you can understand how completely different children learn information and how adaptation takes place at school. It should be noted that this largely depends on the teacher (sometimes much more than on the program).

Achievements of schoolchildren

Primary school under the program "Perspective", reviews of employees of the Ministry of Education confirm this, contributes to the harmonious development of students.


  1. In meta-subject results - students quite easily cope with mastering
  2. In the subject results - children learn new knowledge and try to apply it based on the general picture of the world.
  3. Personal results - students easily study and find the necessary material on their own.

These are the main achievements aimed at by the elementary school with the "Perspective" program. Feedback on the project is often positive, as parents notice changes in children for the better. Many become much more independent.

School program "Perspective elementary school": feedback from teachers

Despite the fact that the Perspektiva program appeared relatively recently, many teachers are already working on it.

It is very important for parents to have feedback on the program "Perspective Primary School" (Grade 1) from teachers. Since they work with her and know all the pitfalls that they will have to face.

With the advent of a large number of school programs for elementary school in the learning process, it is impossible to say unequivocally which one will be better. So in "Perspective" there are both minuses and pluses.

The pluses of the teacher include methodological aids for conducting lessons. They are divided into two parts, one of which contains theoretical material, the other contains a detailed lesson plan for the school program "Perspective Primary School".

"School of Russia" or "Perspective" - ​​what should be the choice of parents of future first graders? How are these programs different from one another? Do they have something in common? How to understand which one suits your future first grader? What should parents and children expect when choosing one of these training programs? You will find answers to all these questions in our article.

Similarities and differences between the School of Russia program and the Perspektiva program

perspective School of Russia
general characteristics EMC "Perspektiva" fully meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, refers to the traditional system of education. The author of the project is L.G. Peterson. The head of this TMC is A.A. Pleshakov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Today it is one of the most famous and popular complex for grades 1-4.
Main content The program is based on an activity approach that combines developing and classical approaches through the development of the teaching to solve problems, set goals, and be responsible for the result. This program assumes a problem-search approach: a problem is created, evidence is found, a conclusion is formulated, the results are compared with the standard, assumptions are made. This should make the child want to learn.
Main idea of ​​the program The program is aimed at teaching the student to independently find new knowledge. The slogan of the teacher working under this program is: “I heard - I forgot, I saw - I remembered, I did it - I learned!” The program is aimed at the maximum spiritual and moral development of the student. The creators of the WMC talk about the need to develop a sense of patriotism, about respect for their people, other peoples of Russia, their language, culture, traditions and customs, symbols. Since the child must be a whole person, both education and training must be of equal importance.
Typical program properties We can distinguish such properties of the program.
  1. Completeness - it consists in the formation of the ability to work with a textbook, reference book and other equipment.
  2. Instrumentality implies learning the ability to use dictionaries, reference books, teaching aids.
  3. Interactivity - the presence of Internet addresses in textbooks and teaching aids.
  4. Integration is a property that is expressed in the fact that the training courses competently combine concepts from different areas.
We list the main properties of the program.
  1. The main thing is education.
  2. The nature of training is personality-oriented, activity-based.
  3. A skillful combination of an innovative approach with a traditional one. If the child has average, nothing outstanding abilities, then this program is for him. In addition, the age characteristics of the student are taken into account, and the textbook material is understandable and accessible to parents and children.
Features of UMK There is not only a textbook, but an anthology and a workbook for schoolchildren to work at home. Bright, well and interestingly illustrated textbooks, easy to read font.

Thus, the programs are a bit similar to each other, but "Perspective" is still more complex and incomprehensible for schoolchildren and their parents in comparison with the "School of Russia", since "Perspective" is aimed at finding material for the child. "Perspective" is extremely close to the traditional one, its difficulty lies in the fact that it is intended to help the child develop independence through the search for materials on new topics. The textbooks of the "School of Russia" contain tasks that students with low abilities can complete, the material in them is given almost ready-made, and there is no need to spend time and effort searching for it in additional sources.

What is better School of Russia or Perspective?

Educators are ambiguous in answering the question of which program is better. So, there are good teaching aids for the textbooks of the Perspektiva program, which is a great help to any teacher. Some believe that the "School of Russia" program is the most accessible and most understandable for students with different levels of learning opportunities. Here is what primary school teachers say about both of these programs: “If you want to get the best result, then you will have to do homework with the child according to any program”, “I think that it is in the SR that the most competent and adaptive textbooks are observed, in the Perspektiva program there are quite serious psychological and pedagogical inconsistencies in the requirements for textbooks”, “Both programs are good, there are tasks of different levels, but not enough. The "School of Russia" has good work on the development of speech, good printed workbooks. The textbooks are quite adapted, so the teacher doesn’t have to invent anything”, “School of Russia” is tailored for the OGE and the Unified State Examination”, “Which program to choose depends on the child: one is better for someone, another is better for someone”, “Beware of “Perspectives” in primary school. It will be necessary to disentangle in the middle link.

The choice of parents is also ambiguous: “We study at the School of Russia. The material in the textbooks is practically "chewed". Most of the tasks the child is able to perform on their own”, “Nothing complicated in the “Perspective”. Parents can explain what the child did not understand”, “My daughter is studying at the “School of Russia”, we are happy with everything”, “Perspective” fully prepares for the VPR”. But there are sharply negative reviews of parents about the program "Perspective": "The program is terrible. Some tasks in the textbooks are formulated disgustingly, the texts for reading are strange”, “Poor children studying in this program!”.

As we understood, "Perspective" implies a greater participation of parents in the preparation and implementation of many tasks than the "School of Russia". Educators and parents prefer a proven traditional program. But, ultimately, dear parents, remember that you must decide for yourself what is more suitable for your baby. You are responsible for the future of your child!

Parents of future first-graders are concerned about many pressing problems. First, of course, you need to decide which school the child will go to - the nearest one, but on foot, or go every morning to the best one. The next choice is more difficult - the choice of teacher and program. Many psychologists advise to go "to the teacher", since the human factor in the education and upbringing of children is the most important. But the choice of the program is no less responsible. How to choose the one that suits your child from all the variety? After all, each has its pros and cons, its own distinctive features, with which we will try to figure it out here.

What does a modern elementary school offer?

Program "School of Russia"

In our childhood, there was only one program approved by the state - the traditional one. There is such a thing now. And if you are completely satisfied with your primary education - choose a program "School of Russia". Contrary to popular belief, it is not outdated at all. Textbooks are regularly updated and supplemented, improving both the texts and the way the material is presented.

The program is designed for an average child, without any special inclinations towards the humanities or, on the contrary, the exact sciences - by the first grade, units are determined with their future vocation - therefore, it suits most children. Knowledge in it is given consistently and interconnectedly, skills are imparted in the traditional way - doing exercises and solving problems, a lot of repetition to consolidate the material, which is especially important for elementary school, but is criticized for being monotonous and stereotyped.

Program "2100"

Traditional programs include many others that are not so familiar. For example, the well-known "School 2100". This program is very popular in elementary school, but few schools will offer you to continue with it in middle and high school, and after all, continuity was considered the main advantage of this program from the very beginning. So, if you want your child to study exactly according to "2100", think in advance what you will do with him in the fifth grade when he starts to get bored in mathematics. Because the main emphasis of this program is logic and mathematics, which is good, although not suitable for everyone.

Many children, especially those who go to school before the age of seven, experience difficulties in learning under this program, due to the unformed abstract-logical thinking. This type of thinking develops for quite a long time, and at the age of 6 its formation is just beginning. But, of course, if your six-year-old draws perpetual motion machines in three projections and talks about space with skill, then "School 2100" is simply created for him. In addition, this program focuses on the development of fine motor skills. This is both a plus and a minus at the same time, since for quite a long time the children are engaged in shading without moving to the smooth lines of capital letters. So perseverance is also very important when mastering this program.

On the other hand, the material is presented in a very coherent, interesting way, there are constant references to other areas of knowledge, which develops general erudition. Within the same topic, tasks of different levels of complexity are provided, which makes it possible to adapt to a student with any ability, but some teachers prefer to ask "from and to", so be prepared to help your child with homework.

planet of knowledge

Another very good, but for some reason not very common program - "Planet of Knowledge". It also belongs to the traditional ones, it has all the advantages of the "School of Russia" program - coherence, consistency, classical presentation, but much more colorful textbooks and visual explanations. This program is suitable for any first grader. Unlike "2100", the basics of counting are presented in it in a very accessible way, all new topics are accompanied by color schemes and illustrations. The subjects in this program are interconnected - reading Nosov's stories, the child solves problems with his characters, and, studying the animals of the taiga, writes a presentation about them. In addition, the program involves an independent search for information and preparation of reports by the end of each quarter on one of the proposed topics. Of course, the child may not be able to do this right away, but if there are encyclopedias and / or the Internet at home, as well as adequate help from parents, such a search will develop the child’s ability to filter information and choose meaningful information, which will certainly come in handy in life.


The program is becoming more and more popular in schools "Perspective". It is also classified as traditional, but, like in "2100", and in many other modern programs, it provides for work in notebooks with a printed basis. This may be good, or maybe not very good, depending on the teacher - some sin in that they almost do not use ordinary Russian language notebooks, asking children to rewrite only the small number of words provided by the methodological material.

Reading, if the child does not read at home himself, is also weak, although the works chosen are interesting, the authors, one might say, are classics, but there are few texts, short poems predominate. Mathematics in this program, despite the well-chosen exercises, is not built quite logically. For example, first children are introduced to the multiplication table, and only then are they taught addition and subtraction within 100. In general, topics in all subjects are unreasonably rearranged relative to more traditional program options.

Promising Elementary School

Another program is "Promising Elementary School", despite the similar name with the "Perspective" discussed above, is similar to it, except perhaps in the order of topics in mathematics - also multiplication before addition, etc. The Russian language is presented, probably, in the most original way - without naming the parts of speech until the last. Children learn in this way: "words denoting actions" and "words denoting an object." Although the Russian language textbook itself is built in the form of a semi-artistic work, with dialogues between characters and other techniques that motivate learning. But they also write in this program almost exclusively in notebooks with a printed basis.


Program "Harmony" is also famous for its disorderliness, especially in the "World Around", although there is a lot of information from different fields of knowledge. The unstructured rules make it difficult for schoolchildren to perceive both the Russian language and mathematics, although, perhaps, for children with a creative bias, such provision of independence in wording will, on the contrary, be the most appropriate way of learning.

Primary school XXI century

The same goes for traditional programs. "Primary school XXI century". The material of this program is designed for strong erudite children. Students are placed in conditions where they must independently acquire knowledge - there are many tasks in textbooks, but few explanations - but, unfortunately, this often becomes the homework of parents who have not calculated the strength and motivation of the child. The program itself is good, but difficult for an ordinary child.

Zankov, Elkonin-Davydov systems

These were all traditional programs that develop in modern schools, two are used - Zankov system and Elkonin-Davydov system. The essence of developmental education is the absence of the traditional principle "from simple to complex", i.e. in all previous programs, the material is first explained, then a simple task is given, then they complicate it, combining it with previously learned. In developmental learning, the opposite is true. First, the task is given, and then, together with classmates and the teacher, the child must himself identify the pattern or rule according to which this task should be performed. Thus, children are taught to extract information themselves, and not to receive ready-made information.

Developmental learning programs suggest the innate motivation of children to seek knowledge. Alas, modern children, especially after kindergarten, no longer have this motivation for the first grade. Not everyone, of course, but most. Therefore, developmental programs are not suitable for everyone, despite their attractiveness in terms of developing independent thinking, but only for those children who have a vein of a researcher, and at the age of seven their eyes still burn when confronted with new knowledge. In addition, a lot depends on the personality of the teacher, on his ability to organize a creative educational process. Unfortunately, the combination of all these factors in our schools is very rare. In addition, the Elkonin-Davydov system does not involve the evaluation of educational activities, which makes it difficult to communicate between the teacher and the parent. Although, according to the rules of an ordinary secondary school, teachers are still forced to give quarterly and annual grades, regardless of the program, and because of this, the Elkonin-Davydov system loses part of the meaning invested in it by the creators. Well, perhaps the biggest drawback of developmental education in elementary school is that these systems do not involve continuation in the fifth grade, and the child will still have to integrate into the traditional education system, just later than the rest.

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